Categorías: Todo - creatividad - teórico - reflexivo - análisis

por Mariana Contreras hace 3 años


Características de los Estilos de Aprendizaje

Existen diferentes estilos de aprendizaje que destacan por sus características únicas. Las personas con un estilo de aprendizaje activo son entusiastas y no temen enfrentar nuevas experiencias, lo que les permite participar creativamente en actividades como recitar un poema o participar en concursos de oratoria.

Características de los Estilos de Aprendizaje

Características de los Estilos de Aprendizaje

To name your story, you have to think about the overall message and what you want your audience to understand from the story. Also, make it relevant and easy to remember.


Tienen varias características de las demás, no tienen demasiada creatividad pero realmente pueden toman decisiones habiendo analizando bien una tarea para poderla ejecutar. Son directos y muy puntuales para la organización.
Estos alumnos basan su aprendizaje probando ideas.
Concretos en sus tareas


The ending of a story is essential. We all know that if the ending is weak, what happened before loses its importance. So make it unpredictable, but fair. A resolved ending answers all the questions and ties up any loose threads from the plot.

Son talentosos en el tema de los números, matemáticas, física son cursos que demuestran esta característica, en muchos casos son aficionados a los juegos de lógica como el ajedrez. Demuestran una capacidad increíble, regularmente son muy maduros al hablar.
Estos alumnos basan su aprendizaje en pensar de forma secuencial y paso a paso, son muy metódicos.

This is the closure section of the story.
See examples of possible outcomes below:


Try answering these questions in order for you to come up with a closure:
- Have all problems been solved?
- Is it clear what happens with all your characters in the story?
- Has the challenged transformed your main character?
- How do the characters feel in the end?


Try answering these questions to come up with a closure:
- Have all the problems been solved?
- Is there a clear picture of what happens with each character in the story?
- Has the challenge transformed your main character?
- How do the characters feel in the end?


The middle of the story is where you add layers of complications that will lead to the end. Reveal more about the character's journey. Did their personality go through changes? How did they overcome the challenges? And as you build up the story’s central conflict, make it more personal to that character. Also, from the middle act, you have to lead into the final act.

Podemos visualizar esta característica en alumnos que se preparan demasiado para realizar una actividad, primero evalúan su potencial y se pueden notar cuando tienen una inclinación en un curso como con temas de química, biología en los que analizan cada proceso para llegar a una conclusión.

There wouldn't be any tension and excitement in your story if there weren't any obstacles in your character's way.

Estos alumnos tienden a ser muy analíticos, piensan más de lo debido.

Each story has a main character and that character usually needs to solve a problem or challenge. The character's challenge is the one that creates tension throughout the story.

Type in any other challenges which other characters in the story need to face.






In the beginning of the story (or the exposition), you will need to introduce the setting and characters. You might also want to introduce the main conflict. This part of the story is important because it gives the reader necessary background information and maybe even a first insight into a character’s personality.

Muchos estudiantes demuestran esta creatividad al pasar al frente de un escenario y recitar un poema, un concurso de oratoria, canto, aunque no sean personas demasiado teóricas tienen una creatividad impresionante al no demostrar temor al ejecutar una acción que tenga que ver con pasar al frente

The setting (time & place) of a story can change throughout the plot.

Personas que no tienen miedo a lo nuevo, se mantienen con una actitud abierta, entusiasta y muy activa.

Characters are essential to a good story. Usually, the protagonist(s) is/are the most affected by the plot. Introduce a character by focusing on their actions, interests, and occupation, as the physical appearance doesn't make a difference in most cases.


Type in the name of your character.


Add other properties of the character.


Add other qualities/attributes of the character.


What is your character's main goal?

fight Evilfind lovedefeat his/her enemyrule the worldmake friendstime travelmake an awesome discoveryOther


Which traits best describe the character's personality? Choose more if necessary:



Choose the type of your chacter:

Protagonist (main character)Antagonist (main character's opponent)Flat (stereotypical character)Round (his/ her personality develops throughout the story)Static (doesn't evolve as a person throughout the story)Dynamic (dramatical change in personality)Confidant (the main character trusts him/ her)Foil (contrasting character who enhances the personality of another character)Other