por Michael Villanueva hace 1 año
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Induction of spine formation.
cortical neurons in vitro and in vivo by activating 5- HT2A receptors. Furthermore, we have found that many of the biochemical and behaviorl actions of psychdlcis are dependenct on the 5 ht 2a receptor interactioons with synapetic scaffolding protiens that are enriched in dendritic spine. Anti-depressansts can also induce spine formation and synarpic plasticity . This supposrts a mode;l for tx actions of delciss that point to a process that could enhncce synatoic plasticity.
Recently, we discovered and others99,100 confirmed that psychedelics can alter synaptic plasticity by enhancing dendritic spine formation on
Right Angular Gyrus
Overall, clinical and social neuroscience research lends strong support to the notion that emotion reactivity in general, particularly the sharing of another’s distress, plays a pivotal role in facilitating prosocial behaviour.
the recognion, acceptance and non threatening awareness of more than me?