CML website HOME
Single page.
Directions / Parking
Service Desk Info
Email Form
Is this a single page? Maybe one page for all this stuff, but a separate page just for CML staff? What info do you want to include about staff? CVs?
CML Staff
Individual contact information, goodreads accounts, "about" paragraph, CVs might be nice as well. Areas of expertise.
Values Statement
Vision/Mission Statements
About the CML
automatically populated from LibAnswers
Book Lists & Reviews
Review blog
Staff Picks
Bibliotherapy Books
Add additional genres that might be here ...
New Graphic Novels
New Picture Books
New Young Adult
Award winners
Printz Award
YALSA's Best Fiction for Young Adults
Nevada Young Readers
Coretta Scott King
Are there specific services you want to include on this page? Maybe list some FAQ's about your services? Are there other library services to include (non-CML-specific)?
Services -- we probably want to have something about large-format printing.
Also, should the Teacher Prep Room information be under "about" or is it a service?
Services should probably contain something about large format printing
Would the equipment in the Teacher Prep Room be listed under "about" or is it also a service?
Where do we showcase the kit room?
Services for CCSD
Services for Faculty
Services for Students
What services does this include?
Research & Collections
List of FAQs? Link to Course Guides?
Online Resources
Curriculum Standards
Education Databases