Categorías: Todo - computing - linguistics - psychology - attention

por GIRSHINI PRABURAM hace 2 años


Cognitive Revolution

The mid-20th century saw significant advancements in cognitive science and computing, spearheaded by notable figures. Alan Turing laid the foundation for modern computing with his theoretical machine, influencing future technological developments.

Cognitive Revolution

Cognitive Revolution

Global warming is the ongoing rise of the average temperature of the Earth's climate system which has various negative effects.

John McCarthy

In a proposal written for famous Dartmouth conference coined the term artificial intelligence and created computer programming (AI) language LISP in 1958.


Information is selected on the basis of the physical characteristics
Also known as "the cocktail party problem".
Carried out studies using a shadowing task
Attention experiment

Alan Turing

Specified a Theoretical machine (touring machine) which is basis for all modern computing.
Father of modern Computing machinery and Intelligence

Claude Shannon

Overpopulation creates an increased demand for energy as well as having negative effects on our environment and ecosystems.


Water is essential for agricultural production and food security. It is the lifeblood of ecosystems, including forests, lakes, and wetlands.

Overpopulation affects our water and this has negative outcomes.

Binary digit as an atomic unit of information in term of energy
Created Information Theory


Climate change is likely to both increase electricity demand for cooling in the summer and decrease electricity, natural gas, heating oil, and wood demand for heating in the winter.


How will climate change affect the production of clean energy?

e.g.: solar, wind, water

Created cognitive map
Introduction and removal of reward, and maze performance in rats.


Emphasized information-processing approach to studying mind.
Coined the term cognitive psychology
First Father of Cognitive Psychology Book

Donald Broadbent

Introduced filter model of Attention.

Noam Chomsky

Healthy ecosystems and rich biodiversity are fundamental to life on our planet.

Even small changes in average temperatures can have a significant effect upon ecosystems.

Climate change is affecting the habitats of several species, which must either adapt or migrate to areas with more favorable conditions.

e.g.: natural habitat disappearing

Wrote synthetic structures based on findings from the shadowing and dichotic listening.
Father of modern linguistics theory

Newell Shaw and Simon

Climate change is supported by scientific evidence.


Write down the consequences caused by this issue and how it will affect our lives and the environment in the future.

e.g.: decreasing of land surface

First computer program stimulating human problem solving.
Logic Theorist

George Miller

The magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two (quantification of the capacity of our working memories in a series of behavioral tests.