Categorías: Todo - education - leadership - employment - creativity

por Shelby Allen hace 9 años


CR 1.4

The focus on high concept and high touch abilities is gaining traction in countries like the U.S. and Japan, with the latter referring to it as 'education of the heart.' High concept encompasses creating artistic and emotional beauty, detecting patterns, crafting narratives, and combining disparate ideas into novel inventions.

CR 1.4

Pink Chapter 3 High Concept, High Touch

Pink Chapter 3 (pages 48-61)
CR 1.4

Finding Meaning

Cultural Creatives

Pink, page 60-61

See the big picture, good at synthesizing, value women's perspectives, feel and practice empathy and sympathy, practice seeing things from different perspectives, utilize personal experiences, and are caring towards others

Pink, page 61

Live with many elements of an Right-Orientated approach to life
Account for 1/4 of U.S. adults
It is important for individuals to search for meaning, live their lives with purpose, and be internally motivated
"'As people mature,' writes psychologist David Wolfe, 'their cognitive patterns become less abstract (left-brain orientation) and more concrete (right brain orientation) which results in a sharpened sense of reality, increased capacity for emotion, and enhancement of their sense of connectedness"

Pink, page 60

The Shift

IQ and EQ
Many opportunities are not accessible if an individual does not succeed on standardized tests such as the SAT
Emphasis on test taking has many weaknesses

Pink, page 57

Emotional Intelligence is very important, but very infrequently used, understood, or valued

IQ test also does not test many intrinsic characteristics that are associated with success and good leadership

IQ does not equate to takes much more than Left-Directed Thinking to be successful

Pink, page 57-58

The number of people studying the arts has drastically increased over the past ten years

Pink, page 55

"Since 1970, the United States has 30 percent more people earning a living as writers and 50 percent more earning a living by composing or performing music"

"The number of graphic designers has increased tenfold in a decade' graphic designers outnumber chemical engineers by four to one"

" MFA is now one of the hottest credentials...Corporate recruiters have begun visiting the top arts grad schools in search of talent"

Pink, page 54

There is a growing respect and value for individuals with artistic and creative backgrounds. Many large companies and organizations are increasingly hiring people with MFAs

Pink, pages 54-57

High Touch

Includes the capacity for compassion, care, and uplift

Pink, page 59

High touch is also on the rise in many modern countries including the U.S. and Japan
"High touch involves the ability to empathize, to understand the subtleties of human interaction, to find joy in one's self and to elicit it in others, and to stretch beyond the quotidian, in pursuit of purpose and meaning"

Pink, page 52

High Concept

High concept is on the rise is many modern countries including the U.S. and Japan

Pink, page 52-53

In Japan some are starting to refer to this focus as "education of the heart"

Pink, page 53

"...high concept involves the ability to create artistic and emotional beauty, to detect patterns and opportunities, to craft a satisfying narrative, and to combine seemingly unrelated ideas into a novel invention"

Pink, page 51-52

Conceptual Age

"Mere survival today depends on being able to do something that overseas knowledge workers can't do cheaper, that powerful computers can't do faster, and that satisfies one of the nonmaterial, transcendent desires of an abundant age."
Emphasis on Right-Directed Thinking
Right-Directed Thinking & Left Directed Thinking are both valuable and necessary to be successful

Pink, page 51

Creators & Empathizers
21st Century

Pink, page 49