Categorías: Todo - assessment - education - freedom - fluency

por Mike Hare hace 5 años


Creativity: How it Can Thrive in my Classroom.

Creativity in education is a focal point in various studies, highlighting its importance in fostering unique student identities and strengths. Tools like Google SketchUp have been utilized to enhance creative expression in educational settings, particularly in Greece.

Creativity: How it Can Thrive in my Classroom.


Crockett, L., Jukes, I., & Churches, A. (2011). Literacy is not enough: 21st–century fluencies for the digital age. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Liveri, A., Xanthacou, Y., & Kaila, M. (2012). The google sketch up software as a tool to promote creativity in education in Greece. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 69, 1110–1117. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.12.040

Masri, A. (2019). The impact of using brainstorming in the development of creative thinking and achievement in the english language of the 10th grade students at King Abdullah II schools of excellence in Amman. International Education Studies, 12(2), 82–92. doi:10.5539/ies.v12n2p82

Boyd, D. (2013). Don’t be fooled when assessing creative work. Retrieved from

Gray, P. (2012). As children’s freedom has declined, so has their creativity. Retrieved from

Creativity: How it Can Thrive in my Classroom.

Strategy 1 to help implement creative fluency in my classroom Digital Designing via SketchUp (Link Attached)

Uses in the Classroom
Social Studies Project.

Students could make 3D models of periods of time that they are studying.

Next school year I hope to have my students utilize SketchUp to make models of Ancient Egypt. This will allow my students to use their knowledge gained from the lessons to build a 3D model of what they are studying. This will allow them to place themselves in that time period and increase their understanding of the content being taught

After our unit of study, students could interpret and analyze the information taught. They will be able to APPLY their knowledge to create products, take actions, and solve problems (Crockett, Jukes, and Churches, 2011, p. 36).

With the utilization of a program like Google SketchUp, students are able to express their creativity in a limitless fashion. With SketchUp, "Creativity is the ability to express one's thoughts in an essentially new, original way that surpasses the ordinary" (Liveri, Xanthacou, and Kaila, 2012, p. 1110).

Students will be INSPIRED by the freedom that SketchUp offers them. They will be able to construct these time period specific builds with different levels of layers, structures, colors, and patterns. In agreement with Crockett, Jukes and Churches (2011), students will, "stimulate [their] creativity with rich sensory input" (35).

SketchUp allows for 3D drawing and modeling.

The Importance of Creativity

Varying mediums of output for assignments and instruction
If methods are not varied, it can make the material inaccessible or not engaging for some or all of the learners in the classroom (Masri, 2019).
In my classroom I utilize Google Classroom to help digitize my classroom. It allows my students to answer questions, type essays, and communicate with each other and with me. My students are no longer limited by the traditional pen and paper style of education.
More than one right answer
Each student needs to be allowed to grow into themselves and into their identity. Without creativity, our students will grow up without their unique personalities, strengths, and interests.
Students need to be given the freedom to learn, to grow and to fail. If we do not take a step back and let them explore the world then we are failing to let them grow into independent and self-directed learners. According to Gray (2012), "Creativity is nurtured by freedom and stifled by the continuous monitoring, evaluation, adult-direction, and pressure to conform that restrict children’s lives today" (p. 12).
As educators, it is essential that we never stop the creative impulses and instincts of our students. Never should we judge the ideas of our students based upon anything other than the content of that idea. All too often "how we judge a creative idea is affected by how we perceive its inventor" (Boyd, 2013, p. 141).

Creative Fluency

Creative Fluency Link
The 5 I's of Creative Fluency. (Crockett, Jukes and Churches, 2011, p.33)
"imaginative, artistic proficiency that has reached the unconscious ability to add meaning and value to things through design, art, and storytelling" (Crockett, Jukes and Churches, 2011, p. 33-35).

Strategy 2 to help implement creative fluency in my classroom. Student Blogging via Google Sites (Link Attached)

Allowing students to pick their topic will allow them to IDENTIFY "what they need to create and what criteria might apply" (Crockett, Jukes and Churches, 2011, p. 48). For example, if they were focusing their blog on fashion, they might include different materials and mediums of expression it in it than if they focused their blog on anime. IDENTIFYING a focus is often the hardest part for students. I believe it is the most important. Without a focus they will not have anything.
Through the freedom that blogging would bring students would be able to take ownership of the process. Having that would allow them to analyze the process of their learning and writing. They would be able to ASSESS "how the process and the product could be made better the next time around; and then acting on these reflections, internalizing new learnings, and transferring them to other similar or different situations" (Crockett, Jukes and Churches, 2011, p. 35). It will be important to allow students to try and to fail. That experience will allow them valuable experience that will aid in the growth of their information and solution fluency,
According to Gray (2012) we are living in a world that is stifling creativity in our youth. He says that "more and more we are subjecting children to an educational system that assumes one right answer to every question and one correct solution to every problem, a system that punishes children (and their teachers too) for daring to try different routes" (p. 12). We need to cherish students and educators that dare to be different. No longer can we look at education through a single lens or a single answer. Today's students have strengths in many different areas. All of those areas don't commonly get equitable attention in the classroom.
A blog will allow students to find their interest, their passion and their connection to their education. Once students are connected in one area of their educational experience they will inevitably connect to more.
Google Sites
As their teacher I can make a class web page where all of the student writing is stored. On the web page I can make subsections for each student where I can embed Google Documents for them. These Google Documents will serve as their blog. Utilizing the G-Suite of technology will allow students to access their documents from inside or outside of the classroom. As they are typing it will live updated on the class web page. This will allow myself or other students to follow along with what they are reading, offer feedback or help revise.
Many of my students struggle with writing. It is a topic in school that too many students are unengaged in. I believe that is because many students have been told WHAT to write and HOW to write. Also, many students are resistant to write things down because their handwriting is so poor. They are embarrassed by their penmanship and as a result, shy away from participating in writing activities. I believe that with the digital generation of our students, it is appropriate to allow them to write digitally when appropriate. I know that, before we can expect students to engage with the writing tasks that we are asking them to do for assignments we must get them interested in writing again. A great way to do this, in my opinion, is blogging. Allow students to explore topics that they care about and express their findings, thoughts, and values through a digital medium like Google Sites.

Information Fluency

Informational Fluency Link
"the ability to unconsciously and intuitively interpret information in all forms and formats in order to extract the essential knowledge, perceive its meaning and significance, and use it to complete real-world tasks" (Crockett, Jukes and Churches, 2011, 44).
The 5 A's of Information Fluency. (Crockett, Jukes and Churches, 2011 p. 44-48)