Categorías: Todo - experimentos - varianza - causas - diagrama

por Ruben Guillen garcia hace 2 años



La metodología de diseño de experimentos se centra en la identificación, control y análisis de diferentes factores para mejorar la comprensión de un proceso. Se utilizan diversas técnicas estadísticas para descomponer y analizar la varianza total de un experimento, permitiendo observar cómo los factores influyen en la variable de respuesta.



Tenses demonstrate the time of actions centered around the subject of the sentence. These actions are called verbs and change according to tenses.

Pruebas de validación

There are four Past tenses:

Hojas de control

Past Perfect Continuous is used:

Some adverbs used with Past Perfect Continuous:

Permiten realizar seguimientos en el proceso de resolución de problemas, sus objetivos principales de manera general son, Facilitar la recolección de datos


Subject + had been + Verb-ING

e.g. They had been talking for over an hour before I arrived.

Proporciona datos fáciles de comprender. Reflejan rápidamente las tendencias y patrones derivados de los datos. Proporciona registros históricos. Facilita el inicio del pensamiento estadístico. Ayuda a traducir las opiniones en hechos y datos

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb 'to be':

I had been beingYou had been beingHe/She/It had been beingWe had been beingYou had been beingThey had been being

Form of verb 'to have':

I had been havingYou had been havingHe/She/It had been havingWe had been havingYou had been havingThey had been having
Diagrama de pareto

Past Perfect Simple is used for:

The Past Perfect tense is not normally used alone. It is used to denote the earlier of two past actions. We use Past Simple for the latter action.

Some adverbs used with Past Perfect Simple:

Permite determinar irregularidades de una organización, identificar sus puntos de mejora y definir cuál plan de acción es primordial para atacar sus pérdidas


Had + Subject + Past Participle?

e.g. Had they met Sarah before the party?

Ayuda a concentrarse en las causas que tendrán mayor impacto en caso de ser resueltas. Proporciona una visión simple y rápida de la importancia relativa de los problemas. Ayuda a evitar que se empeoren algunas causas al tratar de solucionar otras y ser resueltas

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

Had I been?Had you been?Had he/she/it been?Had we been?Had you been?Had they been?

Form of word "to have":

Had I had?Had you had?Had he/she/it had?Had we had?Had you had?Had they had?
Diagrama de causa-efecto

Past Continuous is used for:

Some adverbs used with Past Continuous:

El objetivo es detectar todas las posibles causas de un determinado problema o defecto


Was/ were + Verb-ING?

e.g. Were you studying when she called?

Mejoras de los procesos; Identificación de causas; Jerarquización de las causas encontradas; Mayor visibilidad de los problemas; Registro visual, facilitando análisis futuros; Participación del equipo en la gerencia de calidad; Organización de ideas; Trabajo en equipo.

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

Was I being?Were you being?Was he/she/it being?Were we being?Were you being?Were they being?

Form of word "to have":

Was I having?Were you having?Was he/she/it having?Were we having?Were you having?Were they having?
Diagrama de flujo

Past simple expresses:

Some adverbs used with Past Simple:

Representar la secuencia de las actividades en un proceso, se utiliza en disciplinas como programación, economía, procesos industriales y psicología cognitiva.


Did + subject + Base Form of the Verb?

e.g. Where did you meet her?

Ayudan a ilustrar modelos y a conectar ideas. Favorecen la comprensión del proceso. Permiten identificar los problemas y las oportunidades de mejora del proceso

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

Was I?Were you?Was he/she/it?Were we?Were you?Were they?

Form of word "to have":

Did I have?Did you have?Did he/she/it have?Did we have?Did you have?Did they have?


There are four Present tenses:

Diseño aleatorio

Present Continuous is used to indicate the ongoing time (now).

Some adverbs used with Present Continuous:


Un solo factor con varios niveles



BE + Subject + Verb-ING?

Are you eating now?

Comparare varios grupos o tratamientos

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

Am I being?Are you being?Is he/she/it being?Are we being?Are you being?Are they being?

Form of word "to have":

Am I having?Are you having?Is he/she/it having?Are we having?Are you having?Are they having?
Técnica estadística


Subject + BE not + Verb-ING

e.g. You are not eating now.

Análisis de varianza de un factor

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

I am not beingYou are not beingHe/She/It is not beingWe are not beingYou are not beingThey are not being

Form of word "to have":

I am not havingYou are not havingHe/She/It is not havingWe are not havingYou are not havingThey are not having


Subject + BE (am/is/are) + Verb-ING

e.g. You are eating now.

Descomposición de varianza total de un experimento en componentes independientes

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb 'to be':

I am beingYou are beingHe/She/It is beingWe are beingYou are beingThey are being

Form of verb 'to have':

I am havingYou are havingHe/She/It is havingWe are havingYou are havingThey are having
Factores no controlables

Present Perfect Continuous is used:

Some adverbs used with Present Perfect Continuous:

Son variables que no se pueden controlar durante la operación normal del proceso


Have/ has + Subject + been Verb-ING?

e.g. How long has he been learning German?

Factores estudiados
Son las variables que se investigan en el experimento para observar cómo afectan o influyen en la variable de respuesta
Factores controlables

Present Perfect is used for:

Some adverbs used with Present Perfect:

Son variables del proceso que se pueden fijar en un punto o en un nivel de operación