Categorías: Todo - listening - cultural - assessment - speaking

por Gulmarzhan Kurmanbaeva hace 5 años


Enjoy English

Students in grade six engage in a lesson designed to foster an appreciation for holidays celebrated by other cultures. They share what they have learned and create symbols representing key components of the holiday.

Enjoy English

Enjoy English


At the end of class, each student answers the following questions presented to them on index cards: What did we do in class? Why did we do it? What did I learn today? How can I apply it? What questions do I have about it?
Designate each corner of the classroom to represent A, B, C, and D. Students go to the corner that they believe corresponds with the correct answer.
Students can write their own questions about the content and then quiz each other. They would also spend time going through the incorrect answers with each other to heighten their understanding.




Have students write about a traditions they have in their family, complete with one sentence describing it, one colored picture representing the origin of the tradition, and the month or date it is celebrated.
Students will be able to demonstrate an appreciation for a holiday that is celebrated by another country or culture by sharing what is learned about the holiday and creating unique symbols to represent the important components of the holiday.
To practise authentic listening skills/ Speaking/cultural focus


Students write postcards describing positive and negative holiday experiences. Each student is given a copy of the worksheet. The students begin by writing down positive and negative adjectives to describe different aspects of a holiday. For example, if the aspect was food, students might write: disgusting, cold, delicious, tasty, etc.
Group 1 - leaners with yellow circles on the chest.Group 2 - leaners with green circles on the chest. Group 3 - leaners with blue circles on the chest.Prepare a poster using Present Simple and Future Simple on reveals the composition of Holiday.
Handout:construction paper ‘boarding pass’ for each student (this can easily be made) markers stickers.Video
Holiday-picture vocabulary Word Bank.Interactive Crossword Puzzle.


New Year


grade 6