Categorías: Todo - osmosis - photosynthesis - respiration - atp

por Eleni Melissis hace 3 años


Grade 11 3UV Biology - LIFE MAP

Plants acquire essential gases through their leaves to facilitate respiration and photosynthesis. The process involves the diffusion of gases into leaf intercellular spaces through stomata, specialized pores predominantly located on the underside of leaves.

Grade 11 3UV Biology - LIFE MAP

Grade 11 3UV Biology - LIFE MAP

Reproductive Strategies

Sexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction in Seedless and Seed bearing Plants


Seed plants have special structures on them where male and female cells join together through a process called fertilization The parent plant disperses or releases the seed. If the seed lands where the conditions are right, the embryo germinates and grows into a new plant


In seedless vascular plants, the plants reproduce using haploid, unicellular spores instead of seeds. The spores are very lightweight (unlike many seeds), which allows for their easy dispersion in the wind and for the plants to spread to new habitats.

Seedless plants multiply by spores that may produced asexually or as a consequence of asexual reproduction.


Sexual Fertilization Methods

Clownfish gender change

The female clown fish is at the top of the hierarchy, so when she dies, a male changes gender to female to take her place.

Tree Pollen Explosion

Pollen from the male cones of cedar trees is released into the air to be captured by the female cones

Earthworm Mating

Hermaphroditic worms couple in order to fertilize the eggs that each individual carries. The sperm is deposited into the slime tube that forms around the worms, and the eggs are then fertilized after the mating has finished

Coral Spawning

example of external fertilization. The sperm and egg cells are released at the same time one night of the year based on temperature and moon cues.

Salmon Spawning

example of external fertilization. The female deposits her eggs in a small depression, and the male releases the sperm over the eggs.


Gametes join outside of the body

Requirements: -Large number of gametes and water

Advantages: Parents do not need to be in the same location at the same time

Disadvantages: Less chance of fertilization

Examples: Frogs, corrals, sponges, many fish species


Gametes join inside of the body

Requirements: specialized organs and mating rituals

Advantages: greater chance of fertilization and lower number of gametes needed

Disadvantages: Parents must be in the same location at the same time

Examples = birds, reptiles, mammals, some fish species

the combining of genetic material from 2 individuals.

sexual reproduction results in genetic variety and diversity.

individuals are produced from the fusion of two sex cells or gametes: a male or female cell only containing half the information of a body of somatic cell

in most cases - gametes come from 2 parents - male and female: The offspring are therefore not genetically identical to just one of the parents, as the genetic material comes from two different sources

combination of genetic material is what drives the variation in traits that we see in organisms that use sexual reproduction

Even if 2 offspring have the same parents there are differences between the individuals. This is due to the process of Meiosis from which the gametes are produced.

In some cases, both male and female gametes come from the same individual. Individuals that can produce both male and female gametes are called Hermaphrodites

Most plants and some animals (mostly invertebrates), like earthworms and molluscs, such as snails, are hermaphroditic.

DNA- Deoxyribonucleic acid. The genetic material of an organism.

Diploid -The full chromosome number of a somatic or body cell of the organism.

For example, humans have a diploid number of 46 chromosomes. Each gamete, the egg and the sperm, have the haploid number of 23 chromosomes. The resulting zygote will have the diploid number of 46 chromosomes. Remember, the chromosomes contain the genetic material, or DNA, that codes for all the instructions for the structure and function of that organism. Without the full diploid number of chromosomes, that zygote will not have a full set of instructions needed to form a complete organism.

Zygote- A diploid cell resulting in the fusion of two haploid gametes. Will have full diploid # of chromosomes

Fertilization: When to gametes fuse together

Haploid- Having half of the genetic information of a somatic or body cell of the organism. Chromosomes- A structure that contains DNA that carries traits of that organism.

produces daughter cells that differ genetic material- they also contain the Haploid and a number of chromosomes.

Asexual Reproduction
Forms of Asexual Reproduction

There are variations to each method based on whether the organism is unicellular or multicellular, terrestrial or aquatic, etc., but the general mechanism is the same.


Spore are reproductive cells that contain identical genetic information to the parent. These sporangia have tough outer cases to protect the genetic material inside. Once released, a sporangium will grow into a new organism if the conditions it lands in are favourable. The parent is preserved in this process

The vascular non seed plant including ferns, the fungi including bread moulds, and the fungi including mushrooms


the body of the parent breaks into 2 or more pieces, with each piece having the ability to generate the missing parts and form a new genetically identical individual. The original parent is lost in the process.

The animal phylum of flatworms and the animal seastar

Vegetative Propagation

A new genetically identical plant is formed from a piece of root, stem, or leaves from the parent plant. The parent plant is usually preserved in the process.

wide range of plants from all Plantae phyla including non-vascular plants like moss, ferns, cedar trees, angiosperms like trillium.


a new individual develops from some generative anatomical point of the parent organism. In some species buds may be produced from almost any point of the body, but in many cases budding is restricted to specialized areas. The initial protuberance of proliferating cytoplasm or cells, the bud, eventually develops into an organism duplicating the parent.

The new individual may separate to exist independently, or the buds may remain attached, forming aggregates or colonies. Budding is characteristic of a few unicellular organisms (e.g., certain bacteria, yeasts, and protozoans). However, a number of metazoan animals (e.g., certain cnidarian species) regularly reproduce by budding.

Binary Fission

parent cell undergoes cell division to create two new genetically identical individuals. The original parent is lost in the process.

most members of the bacteria kingdom, the protist Amoeba, and the protist Paramecium

Asexual reproduction will often produce a large number of offspring in a short amount of time

Bacteria prime example

cells produced via mitosis



Cell division occurs after mitosis

The spindle fibres break down and disappear

The nucleolous reappears

A nuclear membrane forms around each new set of chromosomes.

The cytoplasm (and all of its contents) divides between the two halves of the cell.

Cell membrane forms

2 new daughter cells have been formed.

4 phases of Mitosis


Begins when the chromatids have reached the two opposite poles within the cell.

At this time, each of the chromatids is called a single, non replicated chromosome.

The chromosomes begin to unwind and become less visible


The centromere splits apart

The chromatids are pulled to opposite poles of the cell by the spindle fibres


Spindle fibres attach to the centromere of the replicated chromosomes.

The chromatids are guided by spindle fibres to the middle of cell, also known as the cells equator.

Each chromatid has its own spindle fibre attachment in order to ensure that each new daughter cell will contain one of each of the chromatids.


Chromatin= Made of DNA and proteins, condenses and thickens to form visible duplicated chromosomes.

Each chromosome appears X-shaped

Chromosomes are made up of 2 chromatids that are held together by a centromere.

Nuclear membrane and nucleus disappear.

Centrioles Migrate to opposite poles of cell.

Spindle fibres start to form between the 2 centrioles

3 main functions




used to replicate somatic or body cells of the organism.

strategy used by a number of organisms

happens in all 6 kingdoms

This process allows a single organism to pass on its genetic information from one generation to the next

involves a single parent, the genetic material passed on is identical to the parent organism - barring any mutations.

Process results in genetic continuity

Gas Exchange

Animal Transport


Veins are blood vessels that carry blood low in oxygen from the body back to the heart for reoxygenation.


Blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood and other components away from the heart to tissues of the body.

The main structures of the human respiratory system are the nasal cavity, the trachea, and lungs.

From the nasal cavity, air passes through the pharynx (throat) and the larynx (voice box), as it makes its way to the trachea

At the end of the trachea it divides ito the left and right lungs

air enters the lungs through the bronchi which divide into bronchioles.

the air passes through all the branches of the bronchi into the tiniest air sacs, which are called alveoli. The alveoli are the structures where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange.

oxygen moves from the alveoli to the blood in the capillaries, and carbon dioxide moves from the blood in the capillaries to the air in the alveoli.

The layers of cells lining the alveoli and the surrounding capillaries are each only one cell thick and are in very close contact with each other


word equation: carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.

During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) from the air and soil.

Within the plant cell, the water is oxidized, meaning it loses electrons, while the carbon dioxide is reduced, meaning it gains electrons. This transforms the water into oxygen and the carbon dioxide into glucose.

The plant then releases the oxygen back into the air, and stores energy within the glucose molecules.

During photosynthesis, chlorophyll absorbs energy from blue- and red-light waves, and reflects green-light waves, making the plant appear green.

Light-dependent reactions vs. light-independent reactions

Light Independent Reaction

known as the Calvin Cycle

takes place in the stroma, the space between the thylakoid membranes and the chloroplast membranes, and does not require light

energy from the ATP and NADPH molecules is used to assemble carbohydrate molecules, like glucose, from carbon dioxide

Light Dependent Reaction

takes place within the thylakoid membrane and requires a steady stream of sunlight

The chlorophyll absorbs energy from the light waves, which is converted into chemical energy in the form of the molecules ATP and NADPH


Respiration occurs throughout the day and night, providing the plant with a supply of energy.

word equation for respiration: glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water

In this process of cellular respiration, plants generate glucose molecules through photosynthesis by capturing energy from sunlight and converting it into glucose.

Plants obtain the gases they need through their leaves. They require oxygen for respiration and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

The gases diffuse into the intercellular spaces of the leaf through pores, which are normally on the underside of the leaf - stomata. From these spaces they will diffuse into the cells that require them.

Stomata are the are the structures through which gas exchange occurs in leaves. Their opening and closing depends on changes in the turgor of the guard cells. When water flows into the guard cells by osmosis, their turgor increases and they expand. Due to the relatively inelastic inner wall, the guard cells bend and draw away from each other, so the pore opens.

If the guard cells loose water the opposite happens and the pore closes. The guard cells lower their water potential to draw in water from the surrounding epidermal cells, by actively accumulating potassium ions. This requires energy in the form of ATP which, is supplied by the chloroplasts in the guard cells.


Animal Tissues
Group of cells that work together to perform a function

4 basic types of Tissue


binds and supports body parts

blood, ligaments, areolar, bone, adipose, cartilage


fills the space inside the organs

gel like with elastic fibers and store fat molecules


protects the bones preventing them from rubbing against each other

tough, flexible tissue


function as a connection between the bones

fibrous and stretchy


secrets calcium - hardens the bone and supports the main organs of the body


transports gasses and other materials to different parts of the body



involuntary - contract and relax throughout life

shaped like a cylinder


provide involuntary movement

intestines, blood vessels

spindal shaped - flat and pointed at the ends and broad in the middle


motion, voluntary body movement

long fibres with light/dark band


cell body, nucleous, dendrites, axons, brain, spinal cord

Open Circulator

a system where blood is pumped into body cavities, where the tissues are surrounded by the blood.

Single Closed

a single loop of vessels in which blood circulates.


Double Closed

two loops of vessels in which blood circulates; the systemic, or body, loop and the pulmonary loop.



covers internal and external surfaces of the body


impermeable barrier

catch ingested bacteria

tall - shaped like a column


Absorbtion/mechanical support, forma lining of kidney tubules

Shaped like a cube

Stratified Squamous

found in skin - multilayered

Simple Squamous

lining in the alveoli - thin, flat, single layered

2 main groups

animals that have a backbone

belong to phylum chordata

internal skeletal system

7 classes of vertebrae


organisms with a cartilaginous skeleton

found in the ocean


true fish

fused teeth, lobed fins, and a skull

clown fish


jawless animals that look like fish

large head, notochord and sensory system



cold blooded

spend part of their lives in water

some have gills

frogs and salamanders


cold blooded, 4 legged animals. They have a tail and dermal scales. Eggs are fertilized internally

crocodiles, turtles


wings, feathers, beak, reproduction involves laying eggs

kiwi, chicken


epidermal hair, females give birth, suckle young

dog, bear, deer


8 classifications


octopus and squid












comb jellies



animals that lack a backbone

share 4 common traits

reproduce by 2 reproductive cells or gametes - coming together to produce a new organism

no cell walls


they do not have a backbone

made up of eukaryotic, multicellular organisms

plant types

Lycophytes and Pterophytes

xylem, phloem, roots, stems, leaves

reproduce without water



seed producing

seeds let plants reproduce without water

seeds are dispersed through pollination


largest group of living plants

produce flowers and fruits

seeds are enclosed in fruits

dicots and monocots

can reproduce without water

simplest plants

non vascular


have a protective cuticle

have stomata for gas exchange

no leaves or roots


Non Vascular Plants
no vascular tissue - no xylem

instead of roots drawing moisture - each cell gets water through osmosis

no poem - sugars can not be transported around the plant

each cell needs to undergo photosynthesis to create the sugar it needs

Leaf Tissues

A tiny pore found in the epidermis to allow gases to move between the inner leaf and atmosphere.

The vascular tissue in plants that conducts sugars and other metabolic products downwards from the leaves.

the vascular tissue in plants that conducts water and dissolves nutrients upwards from the roots to the leaves.

guard cells

Surround each stoma to regulate pore size and ultimately the gas exchange.

spongy mesophyll

loosely packed cells allowing gases to circulate around them. They allow for the interchanging gases needed for photosynthesis.

Palisade Mesophyll

found directly below the epidermis. It is tightly packed and elongated to capture light energy. Also the location of many chloroplasts.


layer of cells on top and bottom of leaf for protection

Vascular Plants
vascular tissue provides a way to transport water to great heights which allows a plant to grow upward to catch the sun

3 main Tissue Systems

Vascular Tissue System

transport water and minerals, transport food (xylem tissue, phloem tissue)


sieve tube members or sieve elements, make up the main structure of phloem. These cells are similar to the vessel elements found in xylem, but they are narrower and have pitted ends resembling small sieves

Unlike xylem, all the cells in the phloem tissue are alive

Each sieve tube cell is connected via a series of pores to a nucleated companion cell, and it is believed that these cells direct the functions of the sieve tube element.



have angled ends and are narrower than vessel elements

tracheids are found in all types of vascular plants and not just angiosperms

The walls of these cells become rigid due to deposits of lignin and cellulose

Once the cell walls are fully formed, the cell will die, and becomes a rigid hollow tube

vessel elements

only found in angiosperms - flowering plants

tubes stacked end to end

Some elements will have porous end plates, while others don’t have ends at all

The vessel elements are pitted on the sides, and this allows the xylem sap to move laterally to other elements

Ground Tissue System

photosynthesis, food storage, regeneration, support, protection (parenchyma, collenchyma tissue, schlrenchyma tissue)

Dermal Tissue System

protection/prevention of water loss (Epidermis, Periderm)

has specialized vascular tissue: phloem and xylem that are responsible for moving water, minerals and the products of photosynthesis throughout the plant

Transpiration and Transportation in Vascular Plants

vascular plants have phloem and xylem to transport water and nutrients


moves glucose made in the leaves by photosynthesis and amino acids to the rest of the plant

phloem vessels - made of living cells - transport sucrose and amino acids up and down the plant

translocation - glucose, sucrose, amino acids made from photosynthesis - need to be transported around the plant to every single cell

transport in the phloem is up and down the stem

Phloem - the living tissue in vascular plants that transports the soluble organic compounds made during photosynthesis and known as photosynthates, in particular the sugar sucrose, to parts of the plant where needed

xylem -

moves water and solutes from the roots to the leaves

made up of cells that form a continuous tube running the entire length of the plant

roots or vascular bundles are located at the centre to prevent plant from being pulled out of the ground

xylem vessels - made of dead cells/ impermeable to water and tough thick walls

transpiration - evaporation of water from aerial parts of the plant (leaves/stem). Water evaporates from leaves and a suction pressure is created which draws up water through the plant (transpiration pull)

xylem movement - 1 way - root to the leaves

transpiration - roots have root hairs - water passes in by osmosis passing into the root citoplasm and then to xylem vessels from the root to the stem to the leaf


sugar produced by chloroplast gets used up

guard cells lose water by osmosis and shrink or become flacid

stomata close to reduce water loss


chloroplast produces sugar - lowers the potential of guard cells and take in water by osmosis.

guard cells get swollen and turgid which causes stomata to open so that water can be lost

Called tracheophytes
2 main organ systems


Function is to absorb water and minerals and to transport food and water and reproduction

Below ground - includes all root material


function is photosynthesis or to transport food/water reproduction and storage

organs found above the ground - stems, leaves, fruit, flower


2 cotyledons in the seed

vascular bundles on the edge

top root

net veined

pedals are in multiples of 4 or 5


1 cotyledon in the seed

vascular bundles in the stem that spread all around

fibrous spreading roots

parallel veins

Pedals in multiples of 3

Outside Parts of Plant

act as a protective layer for the seeds

products of reproduction in plants


found in fruits where they germinate and develop into new plants

main agents for reproduction


contain pollen which helps with the pollination of the flower

reproductive products of plants


designed for the process of photosynthesis

all necessary food stored in the leaf


transfers food from leaves to other parts of the plant

delivery agents for water stored in the roots

support systems


responsible for saving up food for later use

support system

deliver water and minerals to the plant

responsible for transferring nutrients to the plant

Characteristics Of Living Things

All living creatures consist of cells.
Metabolic Action For something to live, it must consume food and convert that food into energy for the body.

Organisms that are alive make changes to their internal environment

Living organisms grow and develop

Plants, animals, people, and even microorganism that live can adapt to the world around them

A living organism will interact with another living organism

All living organisms have some form of respiration, though the process may differ between them

To classify an organism as living, it must exhibit some form of movement.

All living organisms reproduce


Dichotomous Key
Dichotomous means to ‘divide into two parts

each question or observation has two possible answers. Essentially, using the key is a process of elimination. At the end of the questions, you are left with only one possible answer

Carl Linnaeus
Hierarchal System of classification

8 taxa, Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genius and species.


Old system had 5 kingdoms and Monera and Prokaryotae take place of Archaebacteria and Eubacteria

6 Kingdoms


cells have no cell walls or chloroplasts

most reproduce sexually

1.2 million species

Can move

Get energy from eating other organisms

Heteroph Kingdom

Mostly multicellular


Possess chloroplasts

Feed themselves

Most have cell walls of cellulose

Most are multicellular

Make glucose from sunlight energy



Reproduce sexually and asexually

Can not move

Made of chitin

Mushrooms, mold, yeasts, smuts, puffballs

structure: consist of hyphae - tubes filled with cytoplasm - thread like strands branch out as they mature and form a tangled mass called a mycelium


puffballs, mushrooms, bracket fungi - most decomposers


yeast - beneficial to humans

some cause serious plant disease


case like fungi - bread and fruit moulds, soil fungi, parasites of insects

Most have cell walls (chitin)

Usually Multicellular, can be unicellular



Some have chloroplasts


all protists are aquatic

gas exchange happens through direct diffusion between the cell body and environment

Some have a Cell wall, some don't

Most= Unicellular, Can be multicellular

three types of protists


decomposers -feed on dead organic material


Plant like

contain chlorophyll

can photosynthesize


Animal like

protozoans - ingest food from surroundings




Can reproduce asexually

400 described species

example is pyrolobus fumarii

derived from Greek word meaning ancient

single celled prokaryotic organisms - lack a defined nucleus

single celled

have the ability to make their own food and others must find their food

E. coli, staphylococcus, Salmonella

predominantly unicellular

prokaryotic - lack a membrane bound nucleus

Developed in 1990's


Have DNA, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya

Eukarya= Nucleous, DNA in the Nucleus

organisms consisting of one or more eukaryotic cells

presence of a membrane-bound nucleus containing the cell's genetic information.

multicellular and visible organisms, like people, animals, plants and trees

Non-cellular life is not included in this system.

Archaea= extremophiles, thermophiles

oldest type of bacteria

live in extreme environments

Bacteria = No membrane, No Nucleus

All bacteria is unicellular

DNA found in nucleoid

reproduce asexually

Structure: cell wall, capsule, plasma, membrane, cytoplasm, ribsomes, plasmid, pili, bacterial flagellum, nucleiod

Shape: diverse but some common shapes - spirillium (spiral), Bacillus (rod shaped), coccus (round), Diplo (pair),staphyla (cluster - looks like grapes) Strepto (chain),

they go from largest to smallest.

become more specific as you move from Domain to Species

Naming Classification
Binomial Nomenclature

Ranks or levels based upon shared characteristics - the more levels 2 organisms share the more closely related they are

Phylogenetic Tree

Phylogenetic Tree is another way to show relationships or how species or groups evolved from common ancestors

Evolutionary development or history of a species = phylogenetic

provides unique names for all organisms

Specific Epithet = lower case letter and italics

Genus = Capital letter and italics