Categorías: Todo - succession - rebellion - marriage - christianity

por caroline dennard hace 15 años


History - Constructing the West

In the early Middle Ages, power dynamics across Europe underwent significant transformations influenced by military conquests, religious backing, and strategic marriages. The rise of influential leaders like Charlemagne, who sought to recreate the Roman Empire with the Church'

History - Constructing the West

History - Constructing the West

Other European Countries

Spain big expansionists.
Denmark-Sweden-Norway brought together.
Germany made up of kingdoms - large and small.
Siciliy comes under French rule, but a rebellion sees Italians massacre the French.
Italy tried to take over German Emperors, but defensive strategies didn't work and their armies got sick.

Marriage and society...

these types of societies don't get conquered.
By 1250 France in control again... better relatons with peasantry, they work for the lords.
Happening everywhere! In England, After Norman invasion, England gained 1/3rd France through marriage.
Focus shifting away from war and brute force.
Mary Queen of Scots sent to France to be married. Scotland take over England by marriage rights.

Scotland continued

England then tries to take over Scotland.
Scottish Civil War then begins between Bruce and Balliol.
Stops with Alexander 3rd.
David 1st modernises
Dynasty of pure blood succession

Kingdoms, Principalities and the World. (1150-1520) Scotland

Kingship now not strictly father-son. Jumps all over the place.
Scotland rose up and defeated vikings, more consolidated Scotland. Also includes Sutherland.
Scotland c.1200, Earldoms, Lordships and Sheriffdoms.
Women now more prominent.

Attacks on the West

Church is then used as a form of ASBO to try and control unruly youths.
Military uper class of lords, their sons have the right amour and time to train.
Danes eventually settle too, also adopting heavy armour.
Iron and Steel armour used.
9th-10th Century

Later Issues in the West

No real institutional basis. Main problem was the succession issues.
His strongest conquest was North Italy = recreating Roman Empire. War backed by the Church.
Defenders of Christianity came about, such as King Charlamagne.
Islam has more power.
800 A.D. Mediterannean is no longer political centre.
6th Century - Bubonic Plague. 1 in 3 die.

What was wrong with the Roman Empire?

Constantine established Christianity as main language.
Split into two, too big to defend.
Stopped expanding, vulnerable to attack.

The Roman Empire, fullest extent c.150 AD

Place was then incorporated into the Empire. Some places untouched, e.g Scotland.
These bankers were in the Army.
Stole slaves, plundered. Bankers who ran Rome benefited.
Conquered and stripped areas of assets

Kinship Concept

Some monarchs with tribal origins.
Father-Son-Father-Son. Kept in Family.

These were about taking people on, not just killing them Need to get them onside.

to 100A.D