Categorías: Todo - induction - example

por Nur Maisarah Hashim hace 8 años


How To Prove Conditional Statement

There are several methods to prove a conditional statement in mathematics, each with its own approach and structure. The contrapositive method involves proving that if the conclusion is false, then the premise must also be false.

How To Prove Conditional Statement

How To Prove Conditional Statement

Indirect Method

Outline for Contrapositive Proof

Proposition if P, then Q. Proof. Suppose ~ Q . . . Therefore ~ P

If X is odd, then X^2 is

Outline for Proof by Contradiction

Proposition P. Proof. Suppose ~ P . . . Therefore C^ ~C

Prove that if n is an integer and 3n+2 is even, then n is even using a contradiction

For the sake of contradiction, Suppose 3n+2 is even, and n is odd n = 2a+1 3n+2 = 3 (2a+1) + 2 = 6a+3+2 = 6a+5 = 2 (3a+2) + 1 = 2b+1 , b = 3a +2, a ∈ Z From the last line, 3n+2 is odd but previously we deduced that 3n+2 is even. It is contradiction. Therefore, the given preposition is true.

Direct Method

Outline for Direct Proof
Proposition if P. then Q. Proof. Suppose P. . . . Therefore Q.

Example :

If X is odd, then X^2 is odd.

Suppose X is odd. Then, X = 2a + 1 Thus, X^2 = ( 2a + 1 ) ^2 = 4a^2 + 4a + 1 = 2 ( 2a^2 + 2a) + 1 = 2b + 1 , b = 2a^2 + 2a, a ∈ Z

Mathematical Induction

Outline for Proof by Inductiion
Proposition. The statements S1, S2, S3, S4,... are all true Proof. (Induction) (1) Prove that the first statement S1 is true. (2) Given any integer K > 1, prove that the statement Sk => Sk1+1 is true. It follows by mathematical induction that every Sn is true.