Categorías: Todo - color

por Kimberly Garcia hace 2 años


Imagen Digital

In digital imaging, resolution is defined as the number of pixels per unit length, often measured in DPI (dots per inch) or PPI (pixels per inch). It is crucial to distinguish that resolution is not synonymous with image quality, which also depends on factors like size and contrast.

Imagen Digital

Imagen Digital

This map contains some example checklists that you can modify or delete.
The template also helps you to add new checklists and add new steps to checklists.

Read more about how to use checklists in the Mindomo blog.

Fundamentos de Imgen Digital 3
Fundamentos de Imagen Digital 2

Fundamentos de Imgen Digital 1

Create your own checklists and add a link to them.

To add a new checklist, press the Insert or TAB key or create a checklist on the spot.