Categorías: Todo - financial - diseases - mental - technology

por rachel macqueen hace 4 años


impacts of heart disease

Gastrointestinal diseases significantly impact individuals' lives, often preventing them from enjoying daily activities and living to their fullest potential. These diseases lead to constant discomfort, frequent medical treatments, and altered lifestyles and diets.

impacts of heart disease

Impacts of gastrointestinal diseases in Canada

From everything i have read, media does not get negativity impacted by gastrointestinal diseases. The media actually is good for having many interesting studies about the different effects, trials and treatments there are. People can learn more about the diseases someone they know or someone who is impacted. It provides hundreds of sites about treatments and places where people can go for appointments or try a new treatment.


Impacts of gastrointestinal diseases is enormous on individuals life. It can prevent any individual from being able too enjoy simple daily activities depending on their disease and can hold them back from living up to their fullest potential. Most of their days are spent in discomfort, in treatments, or at the doctors office/hospital. Individuals effected by gastrointestinal diseases often need to change their lifestyles and their diets. Living with constant discomfort tends to begin to impact their mental health as well causing them to feel insecure, depressed or feel like they can't live their life anymore.
Employment is impacted by gastrointestinal diseases because employees who are effected by them need more sick days and possibly become unable to attend work at all. This is a big impact in lost of productivity for employment places. Many workplace environments actually have caused a higher risk to employees becoming ill with some gastrointestinal diseases

Revisited Impacts

With new technology that we have we can help reduce suffering for individuals and females impacted by gastrointestinal diseases. We can increase their overall qualities of life. Currently gastrointestinal diseases are the 3rd leading cause of death in Canada. Having a gastrointestinal disease can also effect your fertility, it's not recommend to try to have kids while being currently effected because medications or treatments for symptoms or remission can make it harder to get pregnant. For individuals who are pregnant if they recover from their disease it can be dangerous if they had surgery before on or around the pelvis. this can cause complications during your pregnancy or during labor.
From the stress of a family member or members having a gastrointestinal disease it causes many of them to experience strong emotions such as guilt, anger, sadness, anxiety and to become depressed. Impacts from diseases also can take a financial toll on families, leaving them to become struggled with extra bills for treatments and loss of income depending on their family members impact on financial income. If whomever is effected by the disease becomes no longer able to keep working.

economy & healthcare system

Gastrointestinal diseases greatly impact the economy. Nearly 20 million people in Canada are affected by gastrointestinal diseases. This causes approximately 18 million sick days and is one of the main causes of hospitalizations. This costs our Canadian economy $18 billion per year. This is through direct healthcare and lost productivity. Today gastrointestinal diseases is likely to effect 1 in 3 people.

impacts of heart disease


Heart patients deal with anxiety and may slip into depression, and tend to have little tolerance for disturbances. Children who were used to roughhousing with Dad have to realize that such play is over for now. Heart diseases can be genetic so when one member of a family is diagnosed it's likely grandchildren or kids are affected by heart disease too.

health care system

In Canada, costs associated with heart disease, including physician services, hospitalizations, lost wages and decreased productivity, were recently estimated to be more than $22.2 billion per year. Heart disease is considered one of the most expensive diseases.


The media is a positive way to learn and be educated about heart disease, where you can get treatments, diagnosed and symptoms. With use of advertisements and articles the media creates positive information of the matter.
Media can help people impacted by heart disease because if they have big following supporting them they do not feel as alone if they dint have a good support system at home.



You may experience various types of emotional distress or behavioral disturbance. Problems such as depression and anxiety are especially common. These conditions not only affect your emotional state but can also impact on your symptoms of heart disease. Symptoms individuals may experience are chest pain, chest tightness, chest pressure and chest discomfort (angina).
in the videos i watched i learned that individuals who are affected by heart disease truly appreciate donations and charities to help them pay for medication or treatments even if someone does not donate a lot it means a lot to them.


Many people who are affected by heart disease are unable to keep their jobs, depending on what job you have determines whether you can still work.
i learned that some treatments can take all day impacting their chance to keep a job. I didn´t realize how time consuming for them.


The economy estimated to spend more than $22.2 billion a year in Canada alone because of heart disease, they loose money due to premature death in heart disease patients.