Categorías: Todo - tragedy - leadership - faith - family

por Leslie Uriostegui hace 5 años


In the time of the Butterflies

The narrative revolves around the lives of four sisters who navigate personal and political challenges under a dictatorship. Minerva, characterized by her strong will and sense of justice, foreshadows her future role in a revolutionary movement through her protective acts and friendship with Sinita.

In the time of the Butterflies

Emerging theme 2

Emerging Theme 1

In the time of the Butterflies


Foreshadowing-The dream she has about her children
Confesses she heard her calling (48)
She loses her baby and loses some faith (52)
She finds love with Pedrito (49)
Struggles against the sexual temptation she feels, tries to listens to God's call (47)
faith (52,58)
Virgencita (46,54,55,56,57,58)
God (44,47,49)

Maria Teresa

Labeled Subtopics
Frame device (Diary)
She must hand the book over to Minerva because it mentions Hilda.42,43)
In June, guards come looking for Hilda, who is hiding at Inmaculada Concepcion, pretending to be a student. (41)
Trujillo's Secrets are revealed (39)
she is summoned to the principal's office to vouch for Minerva, who has been sneaking out of school (38,39)
Guidance of Mante (33,34)
Feeling of Sadness (31,35,37,42)


Lines between passages (time jumps)
Labeled subtopics (11, 20, 24)
Foreshadowing (28)- Minerva saves the day foretells her leadership in the movement
Foreshadowing (14)- the room of veils foreshadows Lina’s outcome
Minerva protects Sinita (28)
Lina’s fate reveals Trujillo’s truth to Minerva (23)
Minerva befriends Sinita (14)
Papa lets Minerva go to school (12)
Family (15, 17, 24)
Blood (menstruation and cut) (15, 18, 20)
Secrets (16, 17, 23, 27)


Structural Observations
Foreshadowing (8)- Papa’s fortune for Dede.
Frame story (Dede the survivor is the story that surrounds the inside story of the sisters)
Frame Device (interview)
Flash back (8)
Key Events
Silent panic of the family after Papa’s drunken remarks (10)
Papa’s Fortunes (8)
Dede’s interview
Repeated images, phrases or ideas
Portraits (5, 6)
Museum (1, 5, 6, and 7)
Garden imagery (3, 4, 5, and 8)