Categorías: Todo - ciberseguridad - datos - logística - robots

por mama huevo hace 3 años


industria 4.0.

La cuarta revolución industrial, conocida como Industria 4.0, está transformando diversos sectores mediante la integración de tecnologías avanzadas. Una de sus características clave es el Internet de las Cosas, que conecta dispositivos y permite una comunicación continua de datos, facilitando la automatización y la eficiencia.

industria 4.0.

industria 4.0.

Use this template to test your knowledge on some of Medieval Europe's most important events. Write down the names of important figures who have marked history.

pilares de la industria.

Representación de alguna cosa o acción que imita lo que sucede en la realidad.
Red de interacción digital entre dispositivos donde fluyen datos.

Give some examples of royal figures who won their fame in the Medieval Ages.

Think of kings, queens, princes, and princesses.

For example, Eduard IV, also known as the 'Black Prince', became famous for his bravery acts in the war against France.

Automatizan procesos de seguridad.

Type in other examples of Medieval artists.

Se fundamenta en la interconexión de múltiples dispositivos.

Who is the Italian artist who painted the top of the Sistine Chapel?

This artist is also the creator of the famous sculpture statue of David.

Type in the answer.

Robots autónomos.
Ventajas en el Sector médico.

Type in other examples of famous scientists who lived in the medieval period.

Pueden realizar múltiples tipos de actividades con autonomía en sus entornos.

Who was the English physicist who created the laws of motion that govern all objects, including the force of gravity?

Type in the answer.

Ventajas en el Sector militar.

What scientist claimed that the Earth revolved around the Sun?

He was also put on trial by the Catholic Church for publishing a book with this theory. Type in the answer.

Mayormente usada en el área de la medicina.
Permite imprimir objetos tridimensionales.
Big data.

Type in several other examples of people who influenced medieval literature.

Cojunto de datos de gran tamaño.

Who was the famous Italian writer who advised rulers that “the ends always justify the means”?

Type in the answer.

Las tres "V".

Who was the English writer who became famous for his plays and sonnets about love, fantasy, betrayal, politics, government, and ancient Rome?

aplicaciones de la industria 4.0 en la actualidad.

Internet de las cosas.
Se caracteriza de la aplicación de dispositivos conectados.

What major event took place in 1189 A.D.?

Fill in the answer.

Impresión 3D.
Avance de la tecnología que genera mucho avance en la producción.

What major event took place in 835 A.D.?

Type in the answer.

Detectar oportunidades.

Charlemagne, also known as 'The King of Franks', is crowned Holy Roman Emperor.

What year did this coronation take place?

Pueden informar de cualquier incidente así como analizar datos que detecten patrones.
Equipo y vehículos autónomos.
Agilizará cualquier operación.

What major event took place in 732 A.D.?

Type in the answer.


In what year is Muhammad born?

Type in the answer.

Modifica las prioridades de la fabricación.
Uso de robots.

Around what year did the Roman Empire fall, thus leaving a lot of local kings and rulers fighting for the land?

Type in the answer.

Apoya de forma rápida y segura a los trabajadores.