por Kevin Laura dlc hace 2 años
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por Melisa Bernardo Escudero
por Jessica Arancibia
por Alejandro inzunza
por Sergio Roballo Fuentes
Use this mind map to plan and easily organize your lessons.
Homework improves student achievement and teaches students to work independently.
Provide your students with feedback on their homework, as this is an essential instrument allowing you to enhance the significance of assignments in their overall academic life.
An actual experience with discussions will help students grasp the connections between different topics. Students will have the chance to use their knowledge gathered in class or during the personal researches and be able to participate effectively in the discussion as group members.
Se encarga de digitalizar y poner en línea cursos y actividades educativas.
El primero tiene el aula y sus contenidos a cargo, mientras que el segundo se ocupa del seguimiento y ayuda a los alumnos.
Si son dados de alta en la Administración, accederán a la creación y modificación de clases, cursos y materias.
Establish your goals.
What do you want your students to achieve?