por Emanuela Iannotta hace 2 años
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This last step is optional and it's only for public events.
Write your event name
To create a unique and pleasant ambient, make sure you have the perfect ornaments.
You can hire a company or do it yourself.
Write here the style or the elements you want to include, for example:
If you have an event where you will have music, think about what you need:
Food & Beverages
Here you can add extra things you would like to offer at your event, such as:
Now that you have all the activities set up, you can write down all the necessary employees.
For example:
First of all, think about all the activities that will happen during the event, and then schedule them.
Here are some examples:
Add the timetable.
Another important aspect is the location.
Think about a place that:
Add the address of the location.
Note: you should mention it to your guests too when you invite them.
Add the name of the location.
Add their website here
The guests are one of the most important elements of an event.
Depending on the type of your event, think about how you would like to invite people:
How many guests do you have?
Write the total number of people who will participate.
Let's start with the general information about the event.
Add the people who organize/host this event.