Categorías: Todo - lenguaje - comunicación - funciones - signos

por Ana Patricia Loayza Urbano hace 2 años


LENGUAJE "El lenguaje es la expresión del pensamiento" Descartes

El lenguaje, según Descartes, es la manifestación del pensamiento humano. Roman Jackobson identificó varias funciones del lenguaje, clasificándolas en primarias y secundarias. Entre las funciones primarias se encuentran la expresiva, apelativa y referencial, mientras que las secundarias incluyen la poética, fática y metalingüística.


LENGUAJE "El lenguaje es la expresión del pensamiento" Descartes

This template is designed to help you with studying for an exam or qualification. The ideas behind it are described in this article together with tips and suggestions for study techniques.
Begin by typing in the name of the subject that you are studying.


1957 Obra "Estructuras Sintácticas" Chomsky: El lenguaje es exclusivo de los seres humanos.




Map out what you already know about this subject. This will help you to connect new learning with previous knowledge.

Es la capacidad que tiene el ser humano para expresarse y comunicarse, a través de diversos sistemas de signos: orales, escritos o gestuales.

Funciones - Roman Jackobson

Add resources that will help your studies in the topics below.


What communities exist around this subject that you could join and learn from? Think about online groups, professional associations, special interest groups, or societies.

Fática o de contacto
Poética o estética

Who can help you with this subject? Think about lecturers, tutors, experienced colleagues, other students, or people who have taken this qualification before.

Apelativa o conativa
Expresiva, emotiva o sintomática
Referencial, representativa o informativa


The 'dashboard' topic holds useful information to help organise your studies. It is separate from the notes themselves.

Racional y creativo

What are the deadlines for your studies? Add information about exam dates, new projects to start or changes to make.


What are your purposes for this study? What will you be able to do when it is completed successfully?


What are your goals in studying this subject? Are you aiming to pass an exam or gain a qualification? Write it down with target grades if they are important to you.