The person aims to improve their performance and focus in various areas of their life. They want to concentrate more during math class, seeking help from the teacher when necessary.
Im going to try and help my mom and dad more because they always have to tell me to do stuff and I want to try and do stuff when they don't have to. Because sometimes family struggle and I don't want my mom and dad to do extra stuff when me my brother and sister can do stuff to make their lives easier!!
Im going to try and stay focused in math class, and when im donfused ask the teacher for help when it's a question I can't answer my self or if I ask my classmates and they don't know as well.
Im going to try and get a better grade anf focus more by staying after school and studying for quizes and ask question when nessacary
I want to start paying less attention to my phone and help people that are in need of help, like for example help my next door enighbors because there older and help them with groseries or something.
Im going to try and get back at doing all 3 sports (Football, Basketball, and Cheer) and im going to try and get more active.
I'm going to try being a better family member to everyone and try spend as much time as I can with them. And to make alot of funny and good memories