por Anay Dajome hace 2 años
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The lymph nodes are responsible for filtering lymphatic fluid and detecting chemical changes that indicate infection. When these filter points are in the armpit, doctors may call them axillary lymph nodes.
Medir la cantidad del HER2/neu en algunos tipos de células cancerosas sirve para planificar el tratamiento. También se llama c-erbB-2, HER2, receptor 2 del EGF humano y receptor 2 del factor de crecimiento epidérmico humano.
TP53 is a gene that helps stop tumors from growing. It is known as a tumor suppressor. A tumor suppressor works like the brakes on a car. Stops cells from dividing too quickly
Malignant (cancer): they grow rapidly and often metastasize, that is, they migrate to other parts of the body causing new tumors
Again, this means that cancer cells can receive signals from progesterone that stimulate their growth.
A breast cancer tumor is described as “estrogen receptor positive” if it has receptors for that hormone.