Categorías: Todo - public - personal - communication - relations

por Mago Javi González hace 2 años


Marketing communication mix I

In the realm of marketing communication, personal selling and public relations are two pivotal components. Personal selling is characterized by its high flexibility and direct communication with potential buyers, allowing for targeted messaging and the closing of commercial operations.

Marketing communication
mix I

Marketing communication mix I

Direct marketing

Direct marketing tools
Online tools
Mass media campaigns
Mobile marketing
Email Marketing
Mailing/ Direct mail
Bulk mail/ Leafleting/ Flyer distribution
Value to the commercialized products
Promotional techniques and sales techniques
Communication system with the customer
It provides privacy
Continuos relationship with the customer
It allows marketers to focus on each segment
Mass marketing and direct marketing

Customer databases

It focuses on actions

Measurable and controllable results

Inmediatte response

Personalized messages

Selection of the target audience

Direct communication

Response from the target audience

Mass marketing

The customer is unknown

Focus on attitude, knowlegde or desire

Indirect variables of the actions

Medium and long term

Impersonal communication

Indiscrimminate target audience

Large audience though the mass media

One-way communicating

Individualized messages
Communicate directly with the company and consumers
Communicating information on a product, service....
Type of promotion

Sales promotion

Sales promotions tools
4. Consumers

Loyalty cards



Free gifts

Money off coupons or discount vouchers

Complementary products

Larger amount for the same prize

Sales or discounts

3. Prescribers

Invitations to congreses, training workshops and conferences

Visits of factories

Technical documentation and catalogues


Free samples

2. Sellers

Bonuses for the achievement of certain objectives

Honorary distinctions

Prizes, tips, etc

Sales contest

1. Intermediaries

Copperative promotion

Organize visits to the factory

Free samples and products

Grant discounts or premiums

Competitions, contest and award prizes

Attendance on fairs, conventions and exhibitions


7. Decision review and evaluation

6. Implement the decision

5. Selecting an option

4. Assess the evidence

3. Evaluation of alternatives

2. Information gathering

1. Need recognition

Be used un short periods of time
Increase sales quickly
Making an improved commercial offer
The incentive seeks to modify or reinforce the purchasing behaviour
Short- term tactic to increase sales
Process of persuading a potential customer

Public relations

Public Relations tools
D. Internal relations
C. Actions to create, maintain or improve the image
B. Sponsorship and patronage
A. External communications and media relations
Characteristics of PR
The message is more credible
The performance should be unique
It is aimed at recipients with diverse interest
It makes indirect sales propositions
Commercial results
It aims to build trust
It carries out planned and convenient organized actions
Purpose of PR
It is suitable to:

Ethical and socially accepted

Highlight competitive advantages

Is not convenient to:

Rectify actions

Correct erros

Solve problems

Achieve, maintain, and regain acceptance
Experts in media relations
Benefitial relationship between organizations and their public
Strategic communication

Personal Selling

4. Creation of a customer relationship

B. Follow-up of the commercial operation and after-sales service

A. Making available

3. Transaction

B. Formalisation of the transaction

A. Closing of the transaction

2. Product presential or sales meeting

C. Farewell

B. Information exchange

A. Contact with the customer

1. Sales Planning

D. Contact and arragement of visits

C. Preparation of the action plan

B. Search and evaluation of prospect

A. Customer analysis

High cost
Close commercial operations
Select the recipients of commercial messages
Allows communication with the buyer
Very flexible
Collect information and transmit it to the departments
Modify attitudes toward products or services
Provide the goods and services
Persuade buyers to make a decision
Inform about goods and services
Direct the needs of the buyers
Seek new business opportunities
Interpersonal communication
Instrument of communication