por Saeed f hace 6 años
Minority Groups
Significant contributions by minority groups in the field of inventions include the creation of the electric lamp by Lewis Latimer, automotive elevator doors by Alexander Miles, gas masks by Garret Morgan, the clothes drier by George T.
Minority Groups Important inventions created by minorites. Garret Morgan invented gas masks Lewis Latimer invented the electric lamp The clothes drier was invented by George T. Sampson Alexander Miles created the automotive elevator doors Richards spikes invented the automatic gear shift. How did Canada treat Minorit ygroups before vs now Black Canadians went through significant prejudice during the pre-confederation era. The European view of first nations was complex and ambivalent They considered them as "noble savages" and "souless barbarians" Prejudice in canada dates back to its early settlement Chinese, Japanese Canadians and south asians were considered inferior and couldn't adapt into Canadian society. Immigration government began to recognize the value and dignity of Canadians of all races Toronto is the most multicultural city in the world Pierre Trudeau announced the policies for bilingualism and multiculturalism on October 8th characteristics of a minority Involuntary membership in the group Unequal treatment Distinguishing physical or cultural traits What are minority groups Refers to a group of people who go through similar disadvantages compared to a more "dominant" group of people