por Diana Rodrìguez hace 4 años
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Enter your names.
Example: Jane's and Arthur's wedding
A DJ will play recorded songs so you’ll know them well and your guests might sing along, but a band can come up with solos and unexpected covers of favorite songs.
At the same time, a good DJ can play a wide variety of music, unlike a band, which has a set repertoire.
List here the DJs you would consider hiring for your wedding.
A good DJ should be an enetertainer too, so make sure that you meet with them before you decide to hire.
Línea aspera del fémur
Tubérculo aductor
Rama isquiopúbica
Desde el trocante menor hasta la línea media áspera del fémur
Rama inferior del pubis
Condilo de la tibia
Sínfisis del pubis y rama inferior del pubis
Pubis y recorre hasta la rodilla de la pierna
Borde interno del muslo
Delgado, plano y acintado
Línea apera del fémur
Cuerpo del pubis
Es el más anterior, y de forma triángular
List here the bands you like.
Línea media aspera de la trifurcación del fémur
Fuerte, plano, cuadrandular de la pierna
Cost to hire
Many couples choose digital correspondence for environmental purposes or cost savings. You can choose 3D designs, animations or short movies for the invitations. Guests will always have their cell phones on them and this makes communication less time-consuming.
For a destination wedding, it's best to send the save the dates 8 to 12 months in advance. For a local affair, send save the dates 4 months in advance.
Follow your save the dates with formal invitations about 8 weeks before the wedding.
Chose if you want to have a traditional church wedding or a simple civil ceremony in front of your friends and family. Or maybe you want both, in which case setting the time is essential.
In any case, you will need a marriage license, so don't forget to get one.
We know that you are not defined by what you wear, but both of you will be the center of attention on the big day.
So choose something that suits your figure/style, defines your qualities and hides your flaws.
Cintilla o banda tibial
músculo pequeño que se encuentra en la parte externa de la cadera
You can choose to buy the dresses or have them made. In either case, it's best to calculate the costs. Don't forget to include groomsmen bowties in matching colors.
Doblar las piernas en una posición cruzada
Espina iliaca anterosuperior
Tailor's name
Abductor secundario del muslo
Músculo mas largo de todo el cuerpo
Shop's name
en el borde superior del trocánter mayor
en la cara lateral del hueso sacro y ligamento sacrociático mayor
en la parte profunda de la región glútea; es de forma aplanada y triangular de vértice externo.
Here you can add options for the groom's wedding suit.
Borde externo de la cresta iliaca, espina iliaca anterior superior, fosa iliaca externa y aponeurosis glútea
Suit shop's name
En la región glútea debajo del glúteo mayor
Suit's price
Since bridal gowns are usually very pricey, you should look for multiple options to see which one is the best match for your needs and estimated expenses.
Bridal shop's name
Permite estar en posición recta
Extensor de la cadera
Price of gown
Put here the date of your big day and the ceremony's starting hour.
When planning a wedding, you might want to first think about your wedding budget.
It's best to have an open discussion about your finances, how much you can afford and the options you have.
Put here the amount you estimate youwill have to spend on your wedding.