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What is your business proposal about?
Give it a name. Type it in.
Advantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view. Add an advantage.
De la fisura pontomedular, pasa a través del seno cavernoso cerca de la carótida interna, y sale de la cavidad craneal a través de la fisura orbitaria superior.
What other options could solve the problem? Add an alternative.
Advantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view.
Add an advantage
Develop the key points of your proposed solution.
Add a note
Describe the further actions for a commercial and a non-commercial proposal.
What are the next steps?
Add details of next actions for a non-commercial proposal.
Add delivery details for a commercial proposal.
El nervio motor ocular común abandona el encéfalo a través del pedúnculo cerebral medio, por detrás de la arteria cerebral posterior y frente a la arteria cerebelosa superior.
Contiene axones que surgen en el núcleo del motor ocular común
Do you need a glossary for any specific technical terms you are using?
Add a term.
Add the description for it.
Include any detailed data in appendices rather than break up the flow of the proposal.
Identify the contents of an appendix for your proposal.
Add an appendix.
Entre la pirámide y la oliva para formar el nervio hipogloso
Identify a problem that requires action to be taken, which your solution will address. Add a problem.
Identify a change or a trend in the current situation, that requires action to be taken. Add a change.
las fibras eferentes branquiales de la parte lateral de las astas anteriores de los primeros 5 o 6 segmentos de la médula cervical ascienden
La raíz espinal del nervio accesorio a través del agujero magno y abandonan la cavidad craneal a través del agujero yugular.
Add any supporting information or evidence of changes.
las fibras eferentes branquiales se unen al nervio accesorio dentro del cráneo,
Describe the current position that your client is in.
This creates some common ground, which is a good platform for discussing your solution.
Ramas periféricas a la faringe, laringe, tráquea, esófago y vísceras torácicas y abdominales.
El peristaltismo gastrointestinal y la actividad glandular gástrica, hepática y pancreática
la secreción suprarrenal
la frecuencia cardiaca y estimulan
Summarize your proposal at the beginning of the document. Add a sum-up.
Se proyectan al tálamo (núcleo VPM) y después a la corteza.
Surgen a partir de células unipolares en los ganglios inferiores (antes petrosos).
Del núcleo salival inferior pasan a través del plexo timpánico y del nervio petroso menor al ganglio de Arnold, desde el cual viajan fibras posganglionares a la glándula parótida
What do you know about the client's requirements?
Is your proposal in response to an inquiry?
Has there been provided a Request for Proposal (RFP) or other resources that you can work with?
If you have relevant materials in other files, you can attach them to this topic.
This section should not be included in the proposal.
ingresa al tronco encefálico por detrás del borde posterior del pedúnculo cerebeloso medio en el ángulo pontocerebeloso.
a través del meato auditivo interno e ingresa al tronco encefálico
Defining clear objectives is the key to building a good proposal.
What are your objectives?
This section should not be included in the proposal.
What action(s) are you aiming for?
What do you want the client to do, as a result of this proposal?
What is the purpose of your proposal?
What will your proposal lead to?
En el núcleo motor del trigémino
Who is the audience for this proposal?
Who will read it and act upon it?
La mayor parte de los músculos de la masticación
El músculo tensor del tímpano en el oído
Sensaciones de la piel y la mucosa de la mayor parte de la cabeza y el rostro