Government & Law
Diplomat – an official representing a country abroad
Lawyer/Advocate – practices or studies law, typically an attorney or a counselor
Emperor/Empress – the supreme sovereign ruler of an extensive group of states or countries under a single authority
Lady-in-Waiting – attends a queen, princess, or other high-ranking feminine nobleperson
King/Queen – the ruler of an independent state and its people
Master-of-Coin – supervises the royal treasury, advises the monarch on financial matters, and is responsible for raising money through taxation
Viscount/Viscountess – a nobleperson ranking above a baron and below a count
Ward – a member of a noble house who has been taken in by another noble family to be raised for a time
Noble/Aristocrat – a person belonging to a class with high social or political status
Marquess/Marchioness – a nobleperson ranking above a count and below a duke
Prince/Princess – the direct descendant of a monarch
Esquire/Squire – acts as an attendant to a knight before attempting to become a knight themselves
Count/Earl/Countess – a nobleperson ranking above a viscount and below a marquess
Duke/Duchess – rules over a duchy and is of the highest rank below the monarch
Chief – leads or rules a people or clan
Senator – partakes in governmental decision-making after being elected
Baron/Baroness – a member of the lowest order of the British nobility
Page – a young attendant to a person of noble rank
Charlatan/Conman – tricks people by gaining their trust and persuading them to believe something that is not true in order to benefit from the encounter
Smuggler – manages the import or export of goods secretly, in violation of the law, especially without payment of legal duty
Bandit – a robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area
Raider/Marauder – makes sudden, unprompted attacks against defenseless or near-defenseless settlements
Assassin – murders through stealth for reasons pertaining to money, politics, or religion
Refugee – leaves their home in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster
Prisoner – held in confinement as a punishment for crimes they have been convicted of
Hermit – lives in solitude, typically as a religious or spiritual discipline
Grave Robber/Tomb Raider – steals valuables from graves and tombs
Elder – a person of a greater age, especially one with a respected position in society
Adventurer – wanders the world in search of knowledge, treasure, fame, glory or a multitude of additional wants and desires
Stonecutter – crafts stone plates and makes bricks
Engraver – incises a design onto a hard surface by cutting grooves into it
Brewer – brews ale
Bottler – bottles drinks and other liquids
Finesmith – works with delecate materials like gold, silver, glas
Optician – makes and repairs eyeglasses
Jeweler – designs, makes, and repairs necklaces, bracelets, watches, etc. often containing jewels
Bladesmith | Weaponsmith – creates and repairs bladed weapons like swords, daggers and blunt weapons
Blacksmith – forges and repairs things in metal, including weapons, armor, utensils, etc
Coinsmith – crafts coins
Locksmith – makes and repairs locks
Cuttler – creates spoons, forks aso
Inventor | Tinker – creates and repairs utensils & inventions
Leatherworker – makes items from leather such as pouches, scabbards, straps, etc
Leather Tailor – makes armor and protective cloth out of leather
Saddler – makes and repairs saddlery.
Potter – makes pots, bowls, plates, etc., out of clay
Soapmaker – creates soaps from vegetables
Candlemaker – creates light sources from sea pumpkins
Toymaker – makes & repares Toys
Furniture Artisan – makes and repairs furniture
Wheelwright – makes and repairs wooden wheels.
Woodcarver – fashions wood into various shapes, like bows, staffs, arrows, brooms
Instrument crafter – makes & repairs instruments for music
Seamstress – makes & repairs gaments
Mercer | Weaver – weaves textile fabrics
Embroiderer – ornaments with needlework
Dyer – dyes cloth, paper and other materials
Printer – a person who applies an inked surface upon paper or cloth and transfering the ink onto it
Bookbinder – binds books and wraps scrolls
Roadlayer – builds roads
Interior designer – designs and builds building interiors
Architect – designs buildings & city layouts
Carpenter – makes and repairs wooden objects & structure
Builder – crafts buildings with the help of earth spirits
Animal Handler – takes care of animals
Ranger – wanders or ranges over a particular area or domain
Lumberjack | Forester – collects wood & takes care of the forests wellbeing
Farmer – cultivates land & grows food
Forager – collecting food & materials in the wild
Miner – works underground to obtain ores & minerals
Florist – grows & arranges plants & flowers
Fisher – plants & harvests seegras, pumpkins & cacti
Tattooist – paints art on skin permanently
Singer | Soprano – sings with or without instrumental accompaniment
Musician – plays a musical instrument
Acrobat | Trapezist – performs spectacular gymnastic feats, acrobatics high above the ground
Curator – keeper and custodian of a museum or other collections of precious items
Dancer – moves their body rhythmically with or without musical accompaniment
Comedian – entertainer whose act is designed to make an audience laugh
Writer – commits his or her thoughts, ideas, etc., into written language
Sculptor – crafts art by carving or casting blocks of marble, stones, or other hardened minerals
Costumer | Fashion Designer – makes theatrical costumes/applies design, aesthetics and natural beauty to garments and their accessories
Actor – impersonates characters, typically on stage in a theatrical production
Painter – creates pictures
Athlete – proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise
Business & Trade
Merchant – sells and trades goods
Bookkeeper – keeps records of financial affairs
Accountant – keeps and inspects financial accounts
Innkeeper – owns and runs an inn
Collector – collects things of a specified type, professionally or as a hobby
Vendor – deals items in the street
Student – attends school or learns under other to enter and pursue a particular subject
Philosopher – a scholar of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence
Apothecary – prepares and sells medicines, drugs, and potions
Herbalist – practices healing by the use of herbs
Entomologist – studies or is an expert in the branch of zoology concerned with insects
Drakologist – studies or is an expert in the branch of zoology concerned with dragons
Chemist – engaged in chemical research or experiments
Astronomer – makes observations of celestial and scientific phenomena within the material plane
Librarian / Archivist – maintains and is in charge of archives
Professor – a teacher of the highest rank in a college or university
Botanist – an expert in or student of the scientific study of plants
Engineer – designer of a machine or structure
Mortician – prepares dead bodies for burial or cremation and makes arrangements for funerals
Doctor/Physician – a qualified practitioner of medicine
Archaeologist – studies humanoid history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains
Cartographer – a scholar and illustrator of maps
Mathematician – a scholar of the abstract science of number, quantity, and space
Historian – an expert in or student of history, especially that of a particular period, geographical region, or social phenomenon
Teacher – educates others in his field of knowledge
Advisor – utilizes their expertise for the guidance and benefit of others
Linguist – studies the essence of communication, including the units, nature, structure, and modification of language
Courier – transports packages and documents
Translator | Interpreter – translates between languages
Herald – a messenger who carries important news
Counselor – helps with psychological and emotional problems
Street Cleaner – cleans streets and alleyways after dark
Lamplighter – lights street or road lights at dusk
Accoucheur/Obstetrician/Midwife – assists in childbirth and the care of women giving birth
Caregiver – looks after a sick, elderly, or disabled person / Nurse – cares for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital
Plumber – installs and repairs the fittings of water supply and sanitation
Barber – cuts hair and shaves or trims beards
Gardener/Landscaper – tends and cultivates a garden
Laundry Worker – a laborer who takes part in the washing, drying, and ironing of clothes and other fabric items
Cook – prepares food for eating
Wet Nurse – a woman employed to suckle another woman’s child
Baker – bakes bread and cakes
Barkeep – works and serves drinks in a bar
Water Bearer – brings water from rivers, wells, and lakes back to their settlement
Wizard - uses elemental magic to cast & summon
Caster –
elemental attacks, proficient in 1 or 2 elements
Elemental Master –
combines magic with weapons, long/short range
Archmage –
proficient in more than 3 elements, high destructive elemental power
Necromancer –
interacts with the
dead & resurrects them
Mindbreaker –
Breaks enemies Spirit, adds confusion, decreasing resistance, Mindtricks
Soultaker –
overtakes Enemies & controlls their thoughts & actions
Summoner –
summons small
spirits to help fight
Shapeshifter –
changes physical form into an elemental being
Elemental Summoner –
fights with an elemental spirits help
Cleric – heals & buffs allies, debuffs enemies
Bard – buffs allies (Dmg, Spd, Crit, Accuracy ) & debuffs enemies through songs
Illusionist – debuffs enemies with slow, root, weakness,
Arcane Shielder – Def increase with magic, taunts enemies with sound, smell aso
Mentalist –
high boost of Dmg, Spd, Crit & Evasion
Prophet – Buffs allies with defense & health regeneration
Hierophant – Supports Party with a variety of buffs (Def, HP, minor Dmg )
Arcane Tinkerer – stores Magic in small ranged self created gadgets and can heal, buff, debuff or attack
Oracle – Healer
Saint – heals allies & can ressurect, blesses allies with regeneration
Magical Arts (non fight)
Seer/Oracle – able to see what the future holds through supernatural insight
Runecaster – uses special alphabets to create runes (symbols possessing magical effects capable of being used multiple times)
Ritualist – practices or advocates the observance of ritual (formula intended to trigger a magical effect on a person or objects)
Druid – a mage attuned to the magical forces of nature, able to shapeshift, call on the elements, communicate with flora and fauna, etc
Conjuror – conjures spirits or familiars
Alchemist – transforms or creates something within nature through (usually) ritualist magic
Astrologer – uses astrology to tell others about their character or to predict their future
Wordsmith – draws their power from language and casts by dictation
Sage – a wise and experienced magic-user
Meteorologist – forecasts and manipulates weather
Warlock – contracted to a being from a different realm & using that patreons power
Artificer – unlocks magic in everyday objects as well as being an inventor
Imperial Knight – serves his or her sovereign after being bestowed a rank of royal honor
Spy – secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor
Sapper – a soldier responsible for tasks such as building and repairing roads and bridges, laying and clearing mines, etc.
Mercenary – a soldier without allegiance who works for money, typically a member of a company or guild
City Watch – an officer of law enforcement who resides in larger towns or cities
Bouncer – prevents troublemakers from entering or to eject them from the premises of an establishment
Admiral – commands a fleet or naval squadron
Warmage – a soldier skilled in destructive battle magic (maybe a title)
Runner – carries information between lines in wartime
Royal Guard – responsible for the protection of a royal person
Detective/Investigator – investigates and solves crimes
Captain – an army officer of high rank in charge of commanding squadrons of soldiers
Bailiff – looks after prisoners.
Scout - specializes in ranged & sneak attacks
Rogue – focuses on stealth, uses knives
Thief – uses traps, that root & confuse enemies, can steal items
Treasure Hunter – collects only rare
Parts of enemies
Shadow Stalker – Assassin uses poison, can hide in the shadows
Archer – uses a (cross)bow
Hawkeye – one shot with high dmg output
Wind Rider –
uses many quick shots
Soldier – specializes in dmg output
Scavenger – spear & blunt weapon
Bounty Hunter –
scanvenges Parts
& Items from mobs
Artisan – fights with
technical weapon like bombs & canons
Warlord – uses pole weapon, can inspire allies with dmg & spd, AOE dmg
Berserker – uses fist weapons or bare hands
Gladiator – Polearm/Lancer user, can attack multiple enemies at once
Warrior – specializes in protection
Duelist – skilled in one-on-one combat
Swordsinger – one big sword or blunt weapon and uses def & accuracy buffs
Bladedancer – Dualblades and uses atk & spd buffs
Knight – specializes in protecting allies
Temple Knight – tanks dmg, high taunt, provides HP reg, DEF, Attk with a kind of aura
Protector – def increases while taking dmg, highest taunt, low dmg output