por Greg Matzorkis hace 8 años
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In business, a web of professional and personal connections who are linked by common interests and who share knowledge and access unavailable to outsiders.
Actively develop trustworthy relationships with people by adding and keeping your word.
Know how the ecosystem works
be willing to connect to more than one person within the ecosystem
may be location specific
4. Opportunities
3. Resources
2. Connections
1. knowledge
you never know when the clerk becomes the CEO
they leverage the connections they have to help others
never burn a bridge. think long-term when a connection ends
the connection is an investment that will pay dividends later
genuinely care about the person with whom they are connecting
focus on quality of relationships with integrity, competence and character
They must trust you
follow through!
They must like you
ask to connect
ask questions
be warm and competent
They must know you
develop a compelling way to introduce yourself
Solution: Next! Move on!
Solution: If you like them; they'll like you. Not always... Make respect a requirement.
Solution: Create a victory log.
Solution: Don't Network; Connect
Solution: Strangers = opportunity
Solution: Focus on others rather than yourself
Solution: Engage
Key is folks who connect disparate networks
linchpins in their field. Thought leaders and influencers.
connected to everyone
similar values but different iv everything else.
Connections should be at different levels.
reach up, sideways and down
Get to know who they know.
Multiple connection in different industries, companies, interests
Connection from different industries, locations, interests, personalities and roles.
Core Asset = you
Revenue = entire network
Earnings = the connections you give and receive the greatest amount of attention and value.
Multiple of Earnings = the connections of the connections you give and receive the greatest amount of attention and value.
The value of your network multiplies by the value of the networks of the people in it.
10. Connected
9. Sociable
8. Intelligent
7. Patient
6. Engaged
5. Listening
4. Caring
3. Respectful
2. Trustworthy
1. Authentic
people I touch base with once a month.
important relationships who represent significant value to life and business.
people closest to me. trust with my life.
Are the links between clusters of strong links.
friends of friends are often your greatest asset. Different perspectives are good!
people who think like you; your friends
3. How many groups are you connected to?
2. How diverse are you ecosystems in shich you have strategic relationships?
1. how many people d wish to be among your strategic relationships?
The more doors you can open for people, the more influential your connections will be for others.
The more diverse and valuable your contacts the more value you can offer your newer connections. They will want to extend value to you through their connections as well.
As the quality of your network rises so does the quality of your opportunities.
the more contacts who are connected to a powerful connection the more multiplied you outreach is...
The more connections you can call upon to support your cause the more leverage y using.
The more connections you have the greater your perspectives
Access to PRIVATE information in addition to public info. public info isn't a differentiator any longer.
perceived power through you connections.
What you know is important but who you know gives you credibility.
Access to the connections people want.
Who you know within the organization regardless of your position.
You are who you hang out with
Develop it
borrow it
develop informal relationships with those who have the social capital so you can be sponsored.
buy it
Give to the same cause or business. contribute money
build it yourself
go to the same schools, joining the same professions, same clubs...
Hierarchy Accountability
an intagible asset that is based on developg, maintaing and nurturing high-quality relationships with an organization, individual or group that influences or impacts your busness including: customers, suppliers, emplyees, governments, partners, other stakeholders and sometimes competitors.