por nelson meneses hace 4 años
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Fabio Nelson Meneses
Use this template to test your knowledge on some of Medieval Europe's most important events. Write down the names of important figures who have marked history.
Siempre se trata de pedir rebaja de alguna forma con dichos colombianos como, cuanto con carnet de estudiante, y cuanto con sisben, ahhh eso esta muy caro alli es mas barato.
Le dejo los tennis en 190000 pesos, eso es lo minimo que se los puedo dejar, huy no estan muy caros, vaya consigalos en otro lado y vera que no se los bajan de 200000 pesos
Con los multiniveles se genera una emocion muy grande a la persona que escucha la oportunidad de negocio, esto conlleva a obtener posibles inversores con mayor facilidad
Give some examples of royal figures who won their fame in the Medieval Ages.
Think of kings, queens, princes, and princesses.
For example, Eduard IV, also known as the 'Black Prince', became famous for his bravery acts in the war against France.
Cuando un vendedor o negociante se acerca con simpatia a las personas y logra obtener la atencion del cliente y hace todo lo posible por entablar una negociacion amistosa que conlleva a la posibilidad de venta
Who is the Italian artist who painted the top of the Sistine Chapel?
This artist is also the creator of the famous sculpture statue of David.
Type in the answer.
Le dejo los tennis en 190000 pesos, eso es lo minimo que se los puedo dejar, bueno facturelos
Who was the English physicist who created the laws of motion that govern all objects, including the force of gravity?
Type in the answer.
Caballero ese color le quedo muy bonito, ehh sera?, si claro mirese en el espejo y vera
Who was the famous Italian writer who advised rulers that “the ends always justify the means”?
Type in the answer.
¿Cuanto valen esos tennis? valen 200000 pesos, dejemelos en 180000 pesos para llevarmelos
What major event took place in 835 A.D.?
Type in the answer.
Charlemagne, also known as 'The King of Franks', is crowned Holy Roman Emperor.
What year did this coronation take place?
What major event took place in 732 A.D.?
Type in the answer.
What major event took place in 481 A.D.?
Type in the answer.