Categorías: Todo - documentation - surveys - training - interviews

por Cayman Saliken hace 4 años


Project Plan - BUS 361

The project involves gathering student perspectives on the pandemic through structured interviews and surveys. Different groups of students, including Beedie students, first-years, non-Beedie students, varsity athletes, and international students, will be interviewed.

Project Plan - BUS 361

Project Plan - BUS 361

Pandemic Chronicles: Student Perspective

5 Finished Storybook

5.3 Deliverables
5.3.4 Finlal Presentation
5.3.3 Executive Report
5.3.2 Status Report #2
5.3.1 Status Report #1
5.2 Publisher
5.1 Document
5.1.4 Text
5.1.3 Illustration
5.1.2 Statistics

4 Training

4.2 Visual Graphics
4.1 Interviewing

3 Interviews

3.2 Interviewees
3.2.5 International Students
3.2.4 Varsity Athletes
3.2.3 First-Year Students
3.2.2 Non Beedie Students
3.2.1 Beedie Students
3.1 Structure
3.1.2 Documentation
3.1.1 Questions

2 Surveys

2.3 Statistics
2.3.2 Result
2.3.1 Number Completed
2.2 Platforms
2.2.5 Canvas
2.2.4 Email
2.2.3 SFSS
2.2.2 Instagram
2.2.1 Facebook
2.1 Creation
2.1.3 Content
2.1.2 Design
2.1.1 Research

1 Project Plan

1.3 Presentation
1.2 Completed Plan
1.1 Draft