Categorías: Todo - artificial - resources - technology - pollution

por kalinda bish hace 12 años


Prompt five

The envisioned future for a child in grade 4 highlights a stark contrast from today's life. The scenario depicts a world dominated by cars and aircraft, devoid of alternative transportation like walking or cycling.

Prompt five

The main differences a child of around 8 or 9 years old would be...

Will possibly be lesrnign at school though a computerised teacher, with limited interaction with other children. Alot of study done at hoem online through technology.

Having the skill to use many different modes of technology for simple everyday tasks.

Will communicate through technology rather than face to face with people.

Living in a world where knowing about the environment or working within the environment would be very low or non-existant.

Living in a world where polution and Global warming are no doubt an issue. Probably less resources for humans as a result. Therfore living in a world where the expense of living will have skyrocketed.

Differences for a Child of grade 4 today

The changes this presents for a child of today

Image of the Future

How is this image of the Future Different to what life is today?

The ideas shown through this future image, that are different from todays are...
Within this image there are no other means of transportation other than cars and aircraft. There is no space to walk, ride, jog or skate.
- Wihin this image there appears to be no natural light. This city seems to be covered in smog, and not much natural light is passing through. All light is unatural.
-Increase in polution and carbon emmissions. Everything within this image is running of something that will cause polution, which will increase the hole in our ozone layer, and also increase the problems we have with the 'green house effect' suggesting water levels, by the time this image was taken will have risen, and will continue to rise.
- Huge increase of and depandabitlity on technology. Within this image, everything seems to be controlled by computers, no human imput needed.
- No signs of life other than humans. Within this picture there are no trees or plants or grass or animals.

What Year is this image set?

This image is said to be set in 2060, only around 50 years from now. To me this seems unrealistic, but the ideas presesntd through this image i think are along the right track.