por Shannon Kidd hace 3 días
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Rate 3 songs (songs will be the same for all users to gauge their interest)
Then takes you to home page
Will display our favourite songs and allows the users to rate them as well.
Using the files with all the users' ratings, we will have an algorithm (read through all the files and check for the same ratings, or ±1) that checks all the files and sees which users have the most similar ratings to songs. Using the amount of similar ratings, we will recommend the user to friend the top 3 other users that have the same music taste.
This will be a separate class in the code. Create a separate array for each user in the program using File IO, every user will have their own dedicated file, and each time a user signs up a new file will be created using File object that comes with file IO. Every song that the user listens to will be used We will then use PrintWriter and FileWriter to write to these files.
In the file: For every time a user listens to a new song, each unique song will be it's own row and repeats of playing songs will be columns using the split as "," Each time the song is played, a new index is added to the row for that song.
To get the top listened to songs, we will read from these files using fileReader and then make a for loop to see which songs have the highest number of indeces in the row. Take the top 5, then print it out to the screen for the user.
Takes in user input using the Scanner class and reads from songs file and matches letters that match up with the user input and prints them to the screen.
This allows the users to search through our catalogue for songs only.
To the user, once they click on the ratings part of the homepage, they will be taken to a page that allows them to see all their previous ratings, and allow them to ammend them. Since we already have an array with each users ratings, this page will just print out the contents of the file containing their ratings.
Create an array using file io for each users ratings. Create a File object and track input from the user. For each song they listen to, it will be mandatory for the user to rate it.
This rating system will be used for the other algorithms used in the program.
Create file of songs categorized by simularity, with one song per line. It will be categorized in genre, starting at house music (ex. lines 1-10), then transition to pop, then alternative, Indie/folk, Country, Rock Hip-hop/rap, RNB.
Create an array to read the file into an array - (ex. songs[i]) The array will then populate by using a file reader and a for loop.
Based upon their 5 most recent ratings (for ratings 3 stars and above) recommend 5 songs, 3 above and 2 below in the array.
Based on 5 most recent ratings
Create file I/O of artists categorized by similarity, with one artist per line. (ex. starting with taylor swift, then gracie abrams,... ending with AC/DC)
Create an array to read the file into an array - (ex. artist[i]) The array will then populate by using a file reader and a for loop.
Based upon their 5 most recent ratings (for ratings 3 stars and above) recommend 2 artists, one above and one below in the array.
Based on 5 most recent ratings
Create file I/O of genre categorized by simularity, with one genre per line. List will start at house music, then transition to pop, then alternative, Indie/folk, Country, Rock Hip-hop/rap, RNB.
Create an array to read the file into an array - (ex. genre[i]) The array will then populate by using a file reader and a for loop.
Based upon their 5 most recent ratings (for ratings 3 stars and above) recommend 2 genres. One is based on their highest rating, and the other is the spot one above of below it in the array.