Categorías: Todo - instructions - responsibility - assignment - complaints

por mr haynes hace 14 años


Student Seps

In a classroom environment, maintaining order and ensuring productive work is crucial. Students are expected to sit quietly and focus on their assignments. When they complete their tasks, they can either assist peers, relax quietly, or seek additional work from the teacher, Mr.

Student Seps

Sit down, be quiet and don't bother others!

Sit down, be quiet and do your work!


Doing their work?

No! Why?
Lost assignment/work

Ask friend

Go on computer and print out/find another one

Start over. You lost it, you can wait till I have time to get you another one

Finished assignment

Help others to finish or just chill

See Mr. Haynes for next assignment

Going to do it at home

Don't loose it

Don't leave it at home

Don't forget!

Don't like it

Don't complain... it's anoying

Think of a better idea and write it down for Mr. Haynes. You still have to do the assignment.

It's school not Disneyland... tuff!

Forgot work

Oops! You forgot it... stop bugging me. Sit quietly.

Don't forget it!

Start over (not best option). As long as I don't have to give you everything again.

No pencil

Have friend?


Remember a pencil. It's school! Stop bugging Mr. Haynes for a pencil!

Ask friend for pencil



Walking around room?

Have to go to the bathroom?

Ask Mr. Haynes... he might say yes

Should have went before class!

Stay in seat! Your distracting others.

Talking to much?

Stop talkind and do lines (50 min. & get signed)

Stop talking and get to work! This is a time to learn not talk to friends.

Good Job! Keep up good work!