Categorías: Todo - colonialism - politics - society - history

por antony abbatiello hace 4 años



Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe offers a narrative of a middle-class Englishman, emphasizing themes of colonialism and Christianity through simple prose and a first-person perspective.



Jonathan Swift

Gulliver's Travel
Critics England politics

Impossibility to create an utopian society

-Lilliput refuses offers of peace -Broabdingnag is not humanity city -Laputa destroyed society with scientific theories -Houyhnhmns has reason and egalitarianism

Different meanings -A book of children with adventures -philosophical tale with no utopian society -religious,cultural and social truths

Daniel Defoe

Robinson Crusoe
The values of society He learns it after he abandon England

English Model: Coloniser and Christianity

Robinson Crusoe represents a middle-class man

Language: Simple Prose First-person narrator for a realiatic story

John Donne

Metaphysical poet
Use of conceits: Difficult metaphors

A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning

Metaphor of compass Astronomy word: Spheres

John Milton

Paradise Lost
Satan Vs. God

Figure of satan: From hero to enemy

Style and meter Grand style and Iambic pentamether

He was puritan In favour of Republic
In 1660 monarchy restoration

It was arrested Wrote Paradise Lost

From the Puritan Age to the Augustan Age (1625-1760)

Literary Background

Puritan Poets
wants to purificated society and arts

meter: blank verse

epic poem

Metaphysical poets
Describe the complexities of life

Style complex and difficult metaphors

Two main topics: Love and religion

Inspirated by astronomy, medicine and geography

Cavaliers Poets
Continued the Elizabethan poetry

Style elegant and smooth

Meditative mood

Historical and Social Background

1714 The Augustan Age
George I became king thanks to Act of Settlement

1715 Jacobite vs. George I

1727 George II reign The seven Years War(1756-1763) permit the British expansion in India and Canada

1660 The return of the Stuarts
1660 Charles II 1665-1666 Great Plague and Great Fire

1673 Test Act King is the head of the Church of England No Catholics in public offices

1685 James II became king 1689 The Glorious Revolution William of Orange and Act of Settlement (1701)

1702 Queen Anne 1707 Act of union

1649 Oliver Cromwell and the Commonwealth
1649 Charles was beheaded

1649 England was proclaimed a commonwealth

1653 Oliver Cromwell 'Lord protector of the realm'

The end of the Puritan Rule The presbyterians favoured the restoration of the Stuarts

1625 Charles I became king
Charles Vs. Parliament

1640 Short and Long Parliament

1642 Civil War