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The United Nations mind map
The United Nations (UN) is an international organization founded in 1945 following pivotal conferences and declarations during and after World War II, such as the Atlantic Charter and the San Francisco Conference.
The United Nations Structure Secretariat secretary general Trusteeship Council Security Council General Assembly Important conferences and meetings San Francisco Conference (1945) UN Charter (1945) Wartime Conference (1943-1945) Atlantic Charter (1941) Yalta Conference (1945) UN Declaration (1942) Agencies of the UN IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) IMF (International Monetary Fund) UNRRA (UN Relief and reabilitation administration) WHO(World Health organization) UNESCO UNICEF Purposes to solve political, economical, social, environmental global issues to help financially and medically to create common political strategy and internatoonal laws to develop friendly relations between the states to support peace