por AGUSTINA MAGGIO hace 5 años
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France and Belgium
entered the Ruhr area
Thet started taking products
Ebert told workers to stop production to solve this
Collapse in german industries
France and Belgium reacted harshly
Many workers were killed
It was legal according to the Treaty of Versailles
Full of industries
inside Rhineland
Army was not allowed
Pay reparations to all the Allies
€6.000 million
accept the blame for starting the war
Freikorps and most people were furious
Ebert was blamed for betraying the country
He could not go back to war
he had no choice
Government lost support of middle classes
Stressman took over
EConomic crisis was solved quickly
Renegotiated pay reparations
Continued production in the Ruhr
Replaced worthless marks with RETENMARKS
Bad consequences
Most affected
Middle-class families with SAVINGS
The money they had saved lost so much value that
A loaf of bread
A house
Prices could rise in less than an hour
Peole realised that the money was worthless
Prices and salaries rocketed
They could pay
Debts/war loans etc.
It seemed to be a good solution
Germany was still a troubled place
Nationalists attacked Stresemann for
signing the Locarno Treaties
joining the League of Nations
It meant Germany accepted the Treaty of Versailles
German people elected Hidenburg as president
opposed to democracy
followed Kaiser ideas
The Nazis and other political parties
were gaining power
30% of German people
voted parties opposed to the Republic
4 Chancellors
Main loosers
Sections of the middle classes
Overproduction in peacetime
Main winners
Workers of big industries
Big business
Chemical and steel industries
The economic boom was precarious
People from
German villages
culture of cities representad a MORAL DECLINE
Wandervogel movement
Return to simple country values
No more attempted revolutions
Germany became more stable
He negotiated the Young Plan
removed british, french and Belgium troops
From Rhineland
lightened reparation prices
was accepted in the League of Nations
Stresemann wanted to reverse some terms of the Treaty of Versailles
He signed the Locarno Treaties in 1925
Determined western borders
In 1928
Germany reached the same level of production than before the war (1913)
became the 2nd world's greatest industrial power
behind USA
He signed the Dawes plan
Asked American loans
for the
These facilities
Higher standard of living
Provided jobs
Public work
Reparations payment in a longer period
He built up German PROSPERITY again
He was Right-winger
wider support
He was a more skillful politician than Ebert
revival in Germany
Weimar republic
artists writers poets singers
powerful paintings
Critisized politicians, business men, church and army leaders
Design and architecture
golden age of
german cinema
people started going to clubs
he asks help to the German people
industrial workers of Berlin
General strike
Kapp realises he can't with it and goes
NO water or transport
Ebert could not ask help to
the army
Germany to have
Powerful industry
Expasion of territory
Strong army
Kaiser dictatorial style of government
They refused to
Losses of territory and industries
Restrictions of the army
Treaty of Versailles
Kaiser days
went to cour but
Judges had been appointed by the Kaiser
gave them more tolerant punishments
For example Hitler (was given a not severe punishment after all he had done)
shorter prison sentences
not so stricts
were from the right
hardly punished by jugdes
Were killed in a revolution
Karl Liebknecht
Roxa Luxemburg
Old Bolsheviks
Remained as a
Powerful and anti-goverment force
Communist revolution
Ebert was afraid
ask help
They crushed revolts
Communist declared a soviet republic
Barvaria's leader was killed
Paramilitar and vigilante
anti-communist group
Germany might go the same way as Russia
NO democracy
Germany ruled by worker councils and soviets
which were 17
appointed to
needed support of the Reichstag
appointed to the government ministers
day to day government
Prime minister
Judeges (court)
Armed forces
Emergency powers
International work
head of the sate
no individual could have much power
10th of November of 1918
Friedrich Ebert
Better working conditons
Freedom of speech and worship
Signed an armistice with the allies
End the war
Became the new leader
German republic
Kaiser abdicated his throne
offered peace under strict conditions
Kaiser should abdicate
Socialists led uprisings of
Kaiser refused
Germany had to be more democratic