por Ryan Scanlon hace 3 años
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People with the GM incentives themselves with the reward of success in uncomfortable situations.
By putting yourself in a situation that's uncomfortable, by the time that skill is mastered itlll feel comfortable and you can move on to the next challenge
Just because something hard shouldn't make it discouraging,
Even kids can understand the concept of the fact the harder a challenge is the more your skills will improve.
The children have confidence in the abilities they've already progressed and use them to improve, in this case their puzzle building skills
Children with the growth mindset wanted to try the harder puzzles and were not afraid to do them. instead of knowing they could complete the easier puzzles the children wanted to expand their knowledge by doing the harder puzzles.
This is how people with the GM are able to improve their skills
This means through challenges or goals, with the willingness to fail people with the GM grow from objectives like this
Instead of being fueled by others opinions they care about their success
All abilities are gained through growth. Some people may be at further points in that ability but that doesn't mean you can't grow that ability for yourself.
Intelligence isn't something given or a born ability. Its something you need to work to improve just like any other human ability
This shows how people with the gm acknowledge hard work turns into success and nothing is gained without hard work
People with the growth mindset find enjoyment in activities they know will challenge them to fail. Instead of taking easier work they prefer a challenge because they know they'll grow from it be able to move on to harder challenges.
People with the growth mindset would be confused why someone would want to continuously not challenge themselves, because they don't see the concept off doing something without growing from it.
Doing the same thing over and over again with the same goal in mind will never sharpen your skills
People with the FM would rather stay in the comfort of something they know and can succeed in. They will never be able to grow this way.
Knowing failure is a possibility people with the GM are able to thrive when trying to grow themselves.
With this thought process not understanding where
she was smart enough for the class she tested into but her the confidence of her worth and abilities made her always feel like she hadn't belonged
This shows her glaring fixed mindset and how she's mentally blocked from growing because of false thought of not being successful
Even though the student tested into the higher classes, she never could grasp the fact she belonged there because she started in the lower class originally
Def: confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.
People avoid things their afraid of so they don't have to face them
This explains the thoughts of someone with the FM and can explain why growth doesn't happen
in the fm people sometime need to reassure themselves that they have achieved something when they haven't to make themselves feel good.
"Smart people should always succeed." (pg.17)
People with the fixed mindset defeat themselves before trying to grow a skill
The thought smart people should always succeeds is an idea only someone with a fm could only understand. people in the gm fail many times to succeed but learn from their failures, and capitalize.
"People with the fixed mindset said, the ideal mate would put them on a pedestal" (pg.19)
In return, positive reinforcement can be very dangerous , as specially when it can teach someone to be complacent, or not grow their goals
People with the growth mindset would rather have positive reinforcement even through failure just to not feel like they have failed. This stunts growth in a person and makes people numb to failure instead of learning from it.
someone with a fixed mindset believes in people having born abilities
An example of a "natural ability" is intelligence. I
he ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
IQ tests are supposed to tell someone what their "ability" is compared to other kids.
Iq tests now are used to order people based on their smartness
Its original concept was to find better ways to teach kids material and see where kids are struggling in school
A common thought in the fixed mindset is that smart people are never supposed to fail, and success is the only outcome for a smart person.
SubtoThe thought that smart people are never supposed to fail, and success is the only option is common but very true. People with a fixed mindset don't realize success and intelligence are gained through failure, not complacency.pic
these people have the mindset others are born with an ability that they may not have, therefore they won't be able to achieve that certain ability
People with a fixed mindset believe their abilities are "carved in stone."
This means they believe their abilities are fixed from birth and unchangeable.