Categorías: Todo - data - climate - food - lifestyle

por Sally N hace 5 años


THINK Climate

The interconnectedness of climate change with various aspects of human life is evident through numerous resources and initiatives that highlight personal choices, activism, and policy.

THINK Climate

THINK Climate


Mary Robinsons Climate Justice
Climate Reality Project
Climate Justice
This is Not A Drill
RANKIN x Richard Curtis for XR
Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye
VICE - Make the World Great Again
3 Seconds
Groups & Movements
Youth Strike for Climate
UK Student Climate Network
Extinction Rebellion
Sunrise Movement

Food & Agriculture

Eating Animals
Knorr and WWF: Future 50 Foods
Eating Animals, Jonathan Safran Foer

Datasets & Datavis

NYTimes The Great Flood of 2019
BBC - 7 Charts to Understand Climate Change
The Three Most Important Graphs in Climate Change
Air, Sea, Ocean - Weather & CO2 Tracker
Keeling Curve
NASA Climate
Project Drawdown
Nullschool: A global map of wind, weather and weather conditions
Atmospheric emissions by industry (UK)


IBM Environment
Project Owl
Code and Response

Policy & Politics

A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
World Economic Forum
Guardian Climate Score
Losing Earth
The Uninhabitable Earth
How Change Happens
Climate of Hope
This Changes Everything
Mothers of Invention

Personal Choices

Before the Flood
Food & Lifestyle
The Game Changers
We Are the Weather

We Are the Weather Book


The TenneT case
Tennet video
Third Industrial Revolution