Categorías: Todo

por jjmaster jjmaster hace 3 años


Trabajo sobre la lectura

Un grupo de exploradores se adentra en la jungla en busca de descubrimientos, liderados por el profesor Challenger. Al regresar a su campamento tras una jornada de exploración, encuentran todas sus pertenencias desordenadas y tiradas por el suelo, lo que sugiere que alguien les ha saboteado.

Trabajo sobre la lectura

Trabajo sobre la lectura


• The group thought that it was only them and the dinosaurs in the jungle, but they had not yet explored the whole forest, most likely there is someone else with them since when the group returned to their camp, all their things were thrown in the ground
• After crossing the tree that Lord John cut, they saw Gomez! He wanted to take revenge for killing his brother named Lopez, which, he decided to bring down the tree
• They found dinosaurs, these were iguanodons and pterodactyls

Términos clave

The professor Challenger had seen something wonderful in the distance, and he found what he was looking for the most, as they approached the place they realized that there was a great fall and they could not pass, Lord Jhon decided to cut a huge tree to use as a bridge, and yes, they crossed it and found something awesome!


• Edward
• Dinosaurs
• Summerlee
• The indians
• Manuel
• Zambo
• Malone
• Gomez
• George
• Lord Jhon
• Professor Challenger


When they arrived at their camp after having explored a part of the jungle, they found all their things disordered and thrown on the ground, someone had sabotaged them and they did not know who, the only thing they all felt is that a dark shadow was watching them from afar!