por Murali Chakkarabani hace 4 años
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Is country Specific INV
Please check EBM file status in http://mykulls1085.apis.dhl.com:3333/pendingebm THE IBS FILES have not sent to GRE (*2.xml IME -> GRE ): THE IBS FILES have not been returned from GRE (*3.xml GRE->IME ): THE IBS FILES have not been sent to IBS+ (*4.xml IME->IBS+):
Is country Specific BRR
Please choose from Below 1. Create New job list 2. Update from Existing job list 3. Remove existing job list
4. Change automation timing
3. To remove current job list
2. To update current job list
1. To create new job list
Please choose from below jobs
3. Invoice
2. Rating
1. Loading
Choose from below report name to extract
7. Accounts on Hold
6. Outbound / Inbound pending
5. Heavy Weight
4. High Insurance
3. Data Quality
2. Cycle ID
1. CMF Report
Provide country Name to extract
Please choose from below topics
5. SUN
2. Issue with CMF file received
1. CMF files not received
2. Provide country Name CMF files not received along with Interface name
1. Not received for single Account number
2. Issue with file processing
1. GCDB files hung
2. Issue with SAPLIB File Received
1. SAPLIB File Not Received
2. Release Type2 File
1. Issue with Type2 File
Please select from Below topic
2. Shipment Rejected while loading
2. Shipment rejected while loading
1. Issue with Loading / Abort
Please provide the country name
Please provide the Automation job name example ( Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
Please provide Report Name
Please choose from Below option
1. Invoicing Error / Abort
3. Other issues
2. Invoicing Hung
1. Invoicing Error/ Abort
Please choose from below option
3. Other Issues
2. Rating Hung
1. Rating Abort / Error
Please provide country Name
Provide Printer IP address
Please provide user name
Please choose below option to perform the task
1. Password Reset
2. Enable Login
Please raise GSN ticket to SHIFT Team for Support https://servicenow.dhl.com/ (GLOBAL-SHIFT.SYS.ADMIN)
3. Kill Session
Please raise GSN ticket to IBS Support https://servicenow.dhl.com/ (AP-SS.CUSTOMER.ACCOUNTING.IBS)