Categorías: Todo - revelation - tradition - philosophy - independence

por José Miguel Hurtado hace 6 años


What is philosophy

Philosophy, as a discipline, cannot justify its own existence but thrives as an intrinsic human pursuit. It is driven by internal forces that compel individuals to engage in philosophical thought, transcending questions of practicality or harm.

What is philosophy

José Miguel Hurtado Carrión. A01411474

Defining Philosophy


Philosophy is not characterized for having a progressive development. For example: medicine nowadays is way more advanced than the one that was practiced by Hippocrates, the greek physician. But we are scarcely entitled to say that we have advanced since Plato, a great philosopher.


Unlike science, philosophy does not produce universally valid results; there is no generally accepted, definitive knowledge. When an insight is recognized by all, it stops being philosophy and turns into scientific knowledge.


The authoritarian church has condemned philosophy because they think that it is a worldly temptation that leads man away from god,destroying his soul with vain preoccupations. Equally, political totaliarism has attacked it because the philosphers have merely interpreted the world insead of trying to change it.
Both of these school believe that philosophy is dangerous, thinking that it promotes a spirit of independence and revolt, distracting man from his practical tasks.


Philosophy cannot justify itself. It can only appeal to the forces in every man which drive them towards philosophical thought. It is a disinterested pursuit, in which questions of utility or injuriousness have no relevance. It will continue this striving as long as there are men alive. Philosophy cannot prove its truth, but it can communicate itself. it is a living expression of the basic universality of the man, of the bond between all men.


The Greek word for philosopher (philosophos) means the lover of wisdom, distinguishing it from the word sophos, that means the one who considers himself wise, in possession of knowledge. The philosopher, on the other hand, is no tin the possession of the truth, but in the search of the truth. That is the essence of philosophy. it means to be on the way, where the questions are more important than the answers, and where each answer leads to another new question.
It is the knowledge of things divine and human; the knowledge of being as being; learning how to die, as the striving of happiness by the exercise of thought; as an effort to resemble the divine; the sciencie confined to no particular field.

Philosophy without science: ways in which it is revealed

Philosophy can also be found in the insane. At the beginning of certain mental disorders, it may be presented in the form of shattering metaphysical revelations, but they are usually formulated in a way that cannot achieve significance
Philosophical thought must spring from the free creation; every man and woman must accomplish it for themselves. Man's innate disposition to philosophy is to be found in the questions that children ask. Children often possess gifts that are lost when they grow up.
Philosophy is always present; human being cannot escape from it or avoid it. It is present in proverbs handed down by tradition, in political opinions, popular phrases, and myths from centuries ago.
Unlike science, where study, training and method are indispensable for understanding, in philosophy men are able and competent to make an opinion without preliminary study. Our humanity, destiny and experience shall be enough. Therefore, philosophy must be accesible to all.