por Omar Ahmed - Rick Hansen SS (2542) hace 6 años
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Introduction of Tanks
Used as propaganda tool by British government
Many newspaper articles, posters being used as propaganda methods.
Also used a recruiting tool since Tank operators were needed
Easy to do as perception of tank among society was very good
Considered as the greatest vehicle on Earth
Used to boost morale of people
People were amazed by the tank
Everyone wanted to see one. Every media source wanted to be first to display it.
First picture was sold for $1,000
Also liked it as tank was being constructed by their own local people which made people think they were contributing to the war
Led to people buying war bonds
Movies made about tank during war
Last 100 Days
Tanks played major role in Last 100 Days Offensive
Helped chase Germans back to Germany
Germans eventually surrendered on November 11, 1918
Germans told public that the Tanks were too strong and blamed the war loss on tanks
Second Battle of Villiers-Brettoneux, 1918
Had the first ever tank vs tank fight
British Mark IV Tank beat the German A7V
2 of the 3 British Tanks were female
Female Tanks: Only had 5 small machine guns
Male Tanks: Had 3 machine guns and one small cannon-like gun
Battle of Cambrai, 1917
Close to a month later, Germans launched a counter attack
Started taking back land which they had lost
Germans captured 50 tanks
Led to them making their own tank.
Only 20 were created
Germans wanted to focus more on artillery
Not as hard as it was for the British since tanks are good for attacking and not defending.
First time tanks were used in large scale
Tank used was British Mark IV
Tanks had the most crucial role in battle
Had to storm German trench lines to clear route of barbed wire for British and French soldiers
Tanks completed their part
16 Tanks were lost
Cavalry did not advance to further take more land
Major win for Army.
Some consider it as the greatest victory of the war
Almost 400
First used in Battle of Flers-Coulette on September 16, 1915 by British Army
Tanks used were British Mark I, nicknamed'Mother'
Germans fled when seeing the tanks
Germans considered use of tanks in warfare inhumane due to their strength
Went as far as to complain to Red Cross
Eventually all of the tanks got knocked out or got stuck
British ordered development of 1,000 more tanks
Still many issues
Shrapnel from Bullets could still make it inside the tank
Tank could breakdown at any time due to mud and the large weight
Cabin was too hot and many harmful gases such as Carbon Monoxide, Cordite
Had to be integrated into British assault strategy
32 of 49 tanks arrived
Little Wilie
First completed prototype of tank
Had many problems in design
Led to more development and had it all done in secret
Secret trials in mock battlefield at Hadfield Park
Eventually led to completion of first tank, which was to be used in battle.
Not designed well for war
Could only go 3.2 km/h
Issues fighting in trenches due to design