Hard worker
Ill from Cancer
Physical Characteristics (appearance)
Slicked back greying hair
Bushy eyebrows
Well dressed
Character Relationships
Amir's Father
Hassan's Father
Father in-law to Soraya
Widower to Sofia Akrami
Had an affair with Sanaubar, Ali's wife
Best friends with Rahim Khan
Grew up with Ali, his Hazara servant
Proof Quotes
‘“Ali was sterile,” Rahim Khan said”’ (234)
“...I’m thirty-eight years old and i’ve just found out
my whole life is one big fucking lie!” (235).
“He had sat me on his lap when I was little, looked me straight in the eyes, and said, There is only one sin. And that is theft… When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right from the truth” (237).
Baba's Rise and Fall
Baba was quite a wealthy man when all things seemed at bay in Afghanistan. He had enough money for a large gated home with servants. He was even building his own orphanage. Once the Soviet invasion happened, he was forced to leave all this hard work behind and flee with his son Amir due to the rumor that the Soviets are arresting wealthy people. Baba and Amir eventually immigrate to California, in the United States. Their wealth is evidently not present anymore since Baba is working a minimum wage job at a gas station, and they live in a small home. Years after their arrival in the US, Baba falls sick and is diagnosed with cancer. He refuses any treatment that probably would have prolonged his life and he ended up dying very shortly after Amir marries Soraya. He passed away in 1987.
Character overview (description)
Baba was born in Afghanistan originally. His parents took Ali in when Ali's own parents were killed in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. Ali had stayed by Baba's side since then and had always been loyal to him. Baba ended up sleeping with Sanaubar (Ali's wife) which was a big dirty secret he kept from Amir and especially Hassan, who was the product of this affair, making Baba Hassan's birth father. Baba hid this for his entire life from his two sons and Amir only found out years after Baba's passing from Rahim Khan. Baba passed away from cancer and refused treatment which arguably made his death quicker than it may have been if he had received some form of treatment.