Beowulf vs. Job
Description - blameless and upright and in fear of God and shunned evil
Traits : faithful , righteous , loyal , brave , God-fearing , leaders
Pro - through everything he went through , starting with the death of all his kids , the taking of his fortune , the covering of the lesions on his skin , he still remained faithful to God and never cursed the name of God
Static - remained the same and kept his faith with God
External Forces - the Devil tried to recruit him to his side and in various way but he happily failed
Description - superhero with a lot of strength ; loyal superhuman strength ; honest

Traits : strong , warrior , smart , loyal , brave , leader
Pro - he fought the numerous beasts to protect his people , he never left his peoples side . he died protecting his good people
Static - stayed the same and never doubted there faithful to there people
External Forces - the several monsters he faced did not kill him , it simply made him stronger than what he was before