Britain and its colonies (1600~1900)

British East India seize Ceylon from the Dutch in the year 1815
Spice and silk were its main resource
British seize Cape Colony from the Dutch in the year 1795
water, coal, oil, land, fresh air
Settlement of Jamaica in the year 1655
An Island Nation of the Great Antilles
Achieved full independence in the year 1962, August 6th
Was settled for sugar and became world's leading sugar exporting and slave-dependent country.
During the four year from 1820 to 1824, they produced more than 77,000 tons of sugar.

British seize French Possession French Arcadia, also known as Nova Scotia in the year 1710
Because of its countries location Its main resouces were salt, fish, oil and gas (mainly fish)
British capture Cuba from Spanish in the year 1762
Cobalt, Iron and nickle was the reason why Britian captured CUba
Settlement of Barbados in the year 1627
Island in the Lesser Antilles
Visited by the Spainish around the late 1400s to the early 1500s
Appeared first on Spainish map in the year 1511

British Seize Harvana in the year 1762
harvana was one of the few coutries that did not have a significant resouce....

Colony of Western Australia Founded in the year 1829
Cotton was the natural resource they were after
British capture Trinenad from Spain in the year 1793
Oil and natural gas
Gambia, Gold Coast, and Sierra Leone unite to form British West Africa in the year 1821
Cocoa (export/cash crop)
Cassava (food crop)
Groundnuts/peanuts (food crop)
Maize/corn (food crop)

British Captured Egypt in the year 1882
Oil and Papyrus Plant gas, and the Nile River itself

Thirteen Colonies
Founded in the year 1638
Founded by Peter Minuit and New Sweden Company
Founded in the year 1682
Founded by William Penn

New Jersey
Founded in the year 1664
Founded by Lord Berkeley and SIr George Carteret
Became a Royal Colony in the year 1702
Founded in the year 1732
Founded by James Edward Oglethorpe
Became a Royal Colony in the year 1752

Founded in the year c.1635
Founded by Thomas Hooker

Massachusetts Bay
Founded in the year 1620
Founded by the Puritans
Became a Royal Colony in the year 1691
Founded in the year 1634
Founded by Lord Baltimore
South Carolina
Founded in the year 1663
Founded by Eight Nobles with a Royal Charter from Charles II
Became a Royal Colony in the year 1729

New Hampshire
Founded in the year 1623
Founded by John Wheelwright
Became a Royal Colony in the year 1679
Founded in the year 1607
Founded by London Company
Became a Royal Colony in the year 1624
New York
Founded in the year 1664
Founded by Duke of York
Became a Royal Colony in the year 1685
North Carolina
Founded in the year 1653
Founded by Virginians
Became a Royal Colony in the year 1729

Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
Founded in the year 1636
Founded by Roger Williams
Settlement of Bermuda in the year 1609
Located in the North Atlantic Ocean. Off the east coast of the United States
Discovered in 1505 by Spainsh Sea Captain, Juan de Bermudez
Treaty of Paris in the year 1763
Ends Anglo-French War
Canada becomes British Possession

Mississippi becomes British Possession
India becomes British Possession
Settlement of Penal Colony of Botany Bany, known as Sydney in the year 1788
Minerals, coil, natural gas and lead.

Cyprus becomes a British Colony in the year 1878
Copper, lumber and salt
British seize Hong Kong from China in the year 1841