Building Capacity
More classroom resources
more tablets per school
some schools need to GET tablets!
We need an APP for remote access to VLE
Thanks Tine
A little more elbow time to build confidence
Opportunities to see how other teachers are using Blended Learning in their classrooms
Sujet principal
Pay us extra to teach others at our school?
Release Blended Learning Champion to train staff on a schedule (e.g. 30 minutes one-on-one, on a schedule. Therefore two OTs for a day)
include more spec. ed teachers
Practice Time (Cave Time)
Collaboration via Google Hangouts while working on LMS Course Builder, Calendar, rubric developer, quiz builder, etc.
Family of Schools coaching
monthly twitter chat
Google Hangout?
integrated tech time into the day
give coverage
Demo our new knowledge at staff meeting
Teacher's need to see how this can be a valuable resource to their students
Smart Goals in School Improvement Plan
Get students using LMS for something
Family of schools networking - 1/2 day to share information
Course / subject integration (scheduling, planning, etc)
Teacher Directed PD on PD Days with built-in Practice Time
Definitely THIS...Practice Time and more time to build things with other teachers (within school or between schools. We should be sharing more, but first we need to make stuff together.
subsidize technology for parents
Educate parents on the value of tech tools for school vs. xbox or phones.