Successful Learning Environments

For a successful classroom structure, students should actively participate in lectures and discussions and collaborate with one another to complete tasks.

Students give feedback and actively engage in class discussions and assignments that benefit the group.

Elements Required to Achieve Participation

Group members must agree on the roles, design and problem solving techniques to make the team effort successful.

Students must offer their comments and suggestions for the assignment throughout the project.

Each team member must share what their expected role or part is going to be in the assignment. Group members must complete their role for the assignment and submit it on time so the project can be compiled and completed.

Feedback on the final project must be given to approve the final submission.

Participation in a Synchronous Learning Environment

Participation is achieved when students interact in discussions with other students that revolve around the assigned topic.

Students are required to log on at the same time to meet the attendance requirement for the class. For groupwork, the student merely has to offer their opinion on the topic at hand.

Participation in an Asynchronous Learning Environment

Students can log on at their convenience to complete assigned tasks for the group effort.

Students must be self motivated and have a strong sense of duty to the group in order to make deadlines to benefit the assignment.

Collaboration: To generate a postive and productive learning or working environment that allows the creative information, resources and skills of each team member to prosper.

Elements Required for a Positive Team Collaboration

Successful collaboration and teamwork require effective communication skills.

Ground rules agreed upon by the group for participation requirements and interaction during the assignment.

A mutual agreement within the group that constructive criticism is required and all members must offer their perspective on the assignment and give final approval.

An understanding that all group members must be engaged in the project through completion. No one can offer their input and step away from the process.

Team Members must be open to positive competition.

Collaboration in a Synchronous Learning Environment

Students can share opinions on topics and discussion points and debate back and forth to reach an agreement.

Decisions can be made immediately regarding assignments, layout, and design. There is no lag time waiting on responses from all team members.

Collaboration in an Asynchronous Learning Environment

Students can log on at their convenience and complete assignments for the group effort. Specific due dates must be given so the project can be completed on time.

Chat Rooms and other social media sites can be used for questions for the group or brainstorming sessions.

Successful Collaborations

Collaboration in an Asynchronous environment is successful when there are set time lines for assignments and a strong plan for how the group will complete an assignment.

Facilitators in an Asynchronous environment monitor group interactions and offer suggestions at random times throughout the assignment.

Collaboration in real time (Synchronous) is successful when team members respect one another's viewpoints and interact positively while working together towards a common goal.

Facilitators in a synchronous class can give immediate feedback and help while supporting the group effort.

Facilitators encourage collaboration by assigning tasks that require group interaction and multiple perspectives.

Successful Participation

In an Asynchronous environment participation is logging onto group and individual forums and posting a certain amount of times per week.

Facilitators monitor participation, posting comments to prod certain discussions.

Facilitators encourage participation by offerring activities that appeal to a diverse group and multiple learning styles.

In Synchronous learning, participation is measured by logging in when the class takes place, and actively engaging in the class.

Facilitators encourage participation by calling on specific people to interact. Facilitators can track the number of comments each student gives and single out those who are participating the least.