Main page

Rate games old and new

Have a list from A-Z

Have search engine

Have pictures of the games we are reviewing maybe videos

Have Discussion blogs/pages that users can say how the feel about the game and game play

Compare reviews with other sites

Only trusted Reviews

Have cheat/trainers /walkthroughs

Amin password and users

users join for free

Free games links

let users rate there own games

Give advice about games

Talk about bugs in the game

Talk about how company's can inprove there games

we let users have a seperate review to ours can be shown on main page as user review

Have user review and have ratethatgame review

we can talk with users and help them with game problems

have seperate forms for different consoles and game types


New games comming out / gaming online

Company advertisements

Game advertisements

Nice picture of games on front wall and backround for all pages ! maybe black backround with image molded in

Rate free games

blogs depending on game type

how the can improve there games

Have links to other review sites

Have links with sellers of the game EG ebay or etc and price of game

Have top 100 games of all time

Rate ur top games today

Have best selling games/most wonted

Links to different sites with comparison

links to sites selling games

Change skin colours of page home page

Best games for you

Give us your computer specs and we will recomend best games for u on what u like and on what ur pc can take

Buy a Gamer pc and Accessories

links to Computer sites EG

Reccomended Computer types

Reccomended computer specs for gamer types

Processor types -Intel-Amd

which one is more for the job

Game makers and what they offer in there games