Personal Philosophies
What is my work as learner and teacher?
Line upon line is the best way to teach and to learn It gradually sets a foundation for the subject and allows the knowledge to build. The learning process begins more enjoyable for the students and more information is understood and retained because of the confidence the students will find for themselves and their ability to learn. As a teacher my job is to create this atmosphere, not only in my class room but anytime that I am give the chance
to teach. I need to help build up the confidence my students need to have in themselves. So that as the criteria gets more difficult they will not find themselves getting discouraged.
As a student, I need to not get discouraged by the whole picture, but look for one snap shot at a time. Before I can teach I need to know how to learn, in order to better help my students. I will do them no favors if I can not relate to them in this teaching method. Before the teacher I am a student.
D&C 98:12
"becoming teachable is a process of learning
line upon line. IN this process we convert thoughts
and feelings into actions. But what a reward for this
exercise..." -April 2002 Robert Steuer
Who am I and what motivates me?
I am a fighter. I am learning. I am a student. I am a teacher.
I am helpful. I am a work in progress. I am loving. I am thoughtful. I am growing. I am changing. I am faithful. I am loyal. I am weak. I am strong. I am more than the challenges in my life. I am a daughter. I am a friend. I am a sister. I fail. I succeed. I am a happy person. I am grateful. I am smart.
"We must remember that to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God. It is our right and responsibility to accept our gifts and to share them. God’s gifts and powers are available to all of us."-Elder Ashton
"God has given each of us one or more special talents. Socrates made the famous statement, “The unexamined life is not worth living” (“Apology,” The Dialogues of Plato, trans. Benjamin Jowett, Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952, p. 210). It is up to each of us to search for and build upon the gifts which God has given." -Elder Ashton
I am motivated by the gift of changing myself to be a better version of me. The ability to grow and change motivate me. I know that I lack certain abilities and strengths. One of the ways to keep me sane is to know that all my weaknesses can be made into strengths. I don't have to remain crippled by my fears or my mistakes. That is human. To change and not let self-doubt and pity rule my life, but digging in deeper. That is my purpose.
Ether 12:27
How do I learn?
Repetition is another way that I learn. It helps me to
memorize it. Revisit it. And remember the smaller details
that my brain might not have stored for me. It refreshes
the ideas in my mind so that it is fresh. And not being left to mold and rot away in my head.
"With new information available instantly, we can get so focused on searching for something new—new excitement, new entertainment—that we forget that the Lord’s pattern is consistent, and oftentimes repetitive, spiritual nourishment. When we hear a message more than once, it’s better to recognize that it’s for our good rather than tuning out because we’ve heard it before. Oftentimes there’s a greater message that may prove valuable for us down the road."-A Reason for Repetition by Elder Whiting
I am a visual learner. If I can see something done
I am more likely to recall the steps on how to do it.
For example math, if I can recall what the formula is
supposed to look like in many different variations
I am more likely to know how to do it.
"A man learns by action-Life shapes us and the life that shapes us is not a matter of words but action"- Pestalozzi
I learn by discussing. I feel I think best when I am discussing
an idea and exploring it with someone else. In the discussion
I usually figure out my beliefs or stances on the topic easier. When I speak out loud and discuss something, I can also figure out if it is dumb or if I already know the answer. It helps my brain to be active in my learning. Not just having all these ideas floating in the winds if my thoughts.
"The soul like the eye: when resting upon that which truth and being shine, the soul perceives and understands and is radiant with intelligence." -Plato
What is worth teaching?
Everything. Especially that which is virtuous. Education
should not be limited only to math and sciences. It should
be art in all its forms. It should be on serving, learning to
control the "human" in us. Cultivate that which is good.
It should grow character and not just the bank of facts
we have stored. It should be about becoming our better selves. Education should be more about circular roundness of a persons character. Rather then about the facts they can spit out.
Proverbs 8:15
D&C 46:18- Heavenly Father wants us all to learn.
so that we may be benefits to our fellow men. So
that we can use all our abilities to the helping of
His children. So we can be who he needs us to be.
What is the role of learning and teaching in the home?
It is in the home that we first learn anything. We
learn social skills and work ethic (or lack thereof).
it is in the home where we learn to be who we are.
I know in my own home I want to cultivate a love for
learning and people and for God. The role of learning
in the home to me is one of the most important tasks
that either parents have to face.
"No doubt that within the living room of every household
are united the basic elements of all true human education in its whole range."- Pestalozzi
What is the role of school in society?
It helps people to build the future they want for themselves.
It gives people confidence in their abilities and to believe in themselves. When people have that power of belief in self, they are unstoppable. I want to help people to live their dreams. Whatever they are and in whatever way they evolve.
"regard them not as they are now, but as,
in accordance with the intention of God. they
may and ought to be."
Teaching is one of the ways you can serve our fellow man.
Ignorance is not bliss, not is it a gift. I believe that knowledge is the only thing that we get to take with us to the next life. So why would I waste this opportunity? God gave me a brain to use, He gave me the opportunity to grow. I am going to use the gift He gave me and become something so I can help others one their way.
How do I view and magnify those I teach?
Learning to listen to what people are actually saying.
I think that communication is key between students
and teachers. It can't be one way. Learning requires
listening and opening up to new ideas and thoughts
at times. So learning to listen effectively now will be
the best way for me to succeed in teaching. It also
eliminates more frustration that comes from miscommunication and feeling like you are not heard.
"cannot inspire their students to shape their own ideology if they are not shaping their own." -Steven Wolk
Learn how to ask questions and to engage
others in learning so that they will want to
know more for themselves. Learning how to
ask questions with no answers in mind. The
students need to cultivate the ability to think
for themselves. Giving them the right tools is
the best way to go about that. Not giving just
the answers.
"schools would be helping students to ask the questions and then to seek out the possibilities." -Steven Wolk
Learning to love students. Or I guess people in
general right now. Because if people feel loved they
will do a lot more and go a lot further.
"without love, neither the physical nor the intellectual powers will develop naturally." - Pestalozzi
Upon what foundation are U.S. Public schools built?
Foundation of the school system are based off the ideas
of men and women who saw that something needed to change and tried to be that change. They understood that school needed to help with the growth of the intellect as well as, the character of the students. They saw them as hope for future generations to be better than they were before.
"The man of today so clearly understands when he revisits his past, were not understood by the child of yesterday." -Freire