Dictionary use


questionnaires were used to ask users how often
they used a dictionary,

what they looked up,

if they were satisfied with the
information found.

the research did not get any precise conclusions about the strengths or weaknesses of specific (types of) dictionaries.


800 students had to read texts in English
as a second language and to answer multiple choice questions

the content of context were studied

use a monolingual or a bilingual dictionary.

The researchers did not find significant differences who did use a dictionary, bilingual or monolingual.


dictionary use was more experimental in nature and the methodologies

seeking to confirm

or reject strictly formulated hypotheses

comprehension of

words or texts,

the production of words or texts

vocabulary acquisition
through dictionary use.


Van der Kloot studied the effectiveness of grammati-
cal information,


The first study aimed at measuring the effect of the use of

bilingual dictionaries in writing in a foreign language.

methodology based on retrospection and on oral protocols were used

the results are rather vague and inconclusive


Laufer had students translate a number of isolated low frequency words and
then use these words in a sentence.

the students were provided
with either a definition or an example,

it focused on the productive part by using definitions and examples given.

of both types of information leads to the best results.


Laufer and Hill implimented an electronic dictionary, to study their influence on immediate word retention.


Main aspects

Favourite quote

2010- 2011

Dziemianko and Bogaards studied the effectiveness of paper and electronic dictionaries

Chen compared the relevance
of various types of dictionaries for vocabulary learning,

testing word retention at the end of the experimental session and two weeks later.