
Katya Velazco

An event is like a activity for an important thing and something that we can organized for different things, for example for our family, job, friends or school.

Ma. de Lourdes

An event as a set of activities related to an objective depending on each occasion, and from which several activities can be derived in a certain time

Juan Manuel

They are a type of recreational activity or practice, which serves as a model, because they represent a portion of the recreational reality of a human group of a locality or community, of an institution or company.

Buen Día, Juan Manuel. (2002). Organización de reuniones convenciones, congresos, seminarios. México: Editorial Trillas.


A social event is a meeting of people organized by team, to enjoy some type of event that can cover any social area, from anniversaries, conferences, parties or graduations, among others.

Euroforum. (2019, 10 julio). Organización de eventos sociales: definición, características y ejemplos. https://www.euroforum.es/blog/organizacion-de-eventos-sociales-definicion-caracteristicas-y-ejemplos/

Own definition

An event is a recreation activity that requires planning, food and drinks can be served or just as a meeting that requires specific services.