Human Settlement

1. Impact of settlement on envirement

Disrupts Eco-systems

Pollutes the area
(With factories and CO2 emissions)

Drives away animals

Kills plants

Trees are cut down in effort to flatten land for settlement

4. Describe 2 things a sprawling city can do to reduce it's environmental impact

1. Have sewage treatment stop dumping it in the waterways it helps in the long run

2. Build parks and reserves for it helps plants and animals and also gives oxygen and reduces CO2.

2. Developed/wealthier countries cause more or less forest loss

Developed countries can afford to
hold back their amount of deforestisation

Undeveloped countries can't afford to leave some forests untouched because they may need the extra money

Developed countries may have strict regulations about how many trees you can cut

Undeveloped countries might not care about their forest loss, since they may have bigger issues (war, riots, money etc.)